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The process includes 1. Washing- washing/rinsing the vegetables in fresh water is to remove dirts and soil 2. Peeling- peel the skin of the veg like tubers including beets, potato, yam, carot, radish to avoid microbial contamination. 3.cutting- cut the vegetables in larger size. If you cut in small pieces the water soluble vitamins present in vegetables are losed. 4. Cooking/boiling- dont cook in open pan, try to cook in closed pan, to avoid evaporation of vitamins.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

really it depends on the vegetable but the majority soften e.g peppers and carrots

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The color, texture, and flavor changes

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Please have sex with me.

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Q: Describe the process of cooking vegetables?
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Most people simply use the frying method while cooking their vegetables.

Cooking vegetables water soluble vitamins will be retained by what cooking method?

Steaming the vegetables rather than boiling.

What is rinse in cooking?

you rinse vegetables or fruit before cooking

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Many people in the world prefer to steam vegetables while cooking them.

Do root vegetables contain aluminum?

Root vegetables do not naturally contain aluminum. However, aluminum foil or cookware used in the cooking process can potentially transfer small amounts of aluminum to the vegetables. It is generally safe to consume root vegetables as part of a balanced diet.

Cook-chill method of cooking?

When steaming greens, their prime texture is often reached and quickly destroyed into mush, we cold-shock vegetables to hault the cooking process. and add extra color.

When prepping vegetable how do you maintain texture?

To maintain the texture of vegetables when prepping, it is important to not overcook them. Use cooking methods such as sautΓ©ing, roasting, or stir-frying that help retain their crispness. You can also shock vegetables in ice water after blanching to stop the cooking process and keep them crisp.

Are vacuum packed fruits or vegetables cooked or fresh?

Vacuum packed vegetables are blanched, which is a process of partially cooking them in boiling water. They do this because raw vegetables give off gases when stored. Vacuum packed fruits are uncooked when frozen.

Are all vitamins destroyed in the cooking process?

Vitamin C is easily destroyed during preparation, cooking or storage so follow these easy tips to retain as much of the vitamin as possible. * Eat raw fruits and vegetables as soon as possible after buying them. * Cut vegetables just before eating or cooking. * Cook vitamin C-rich foods quickly in as little water as possible. * Microwave, steam or stir-fry to retain the most Vitamin C.