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Smoked Ham.

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Q: Cured smoked meat from a pork leg is sold as?
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Is smoked ham the same as gammon?

Any meat from a pig is pork , but we just call pork (the thick meat we have with roast dinner) pork too. Then we have pork sausages ... made from pig , pork. Ham is pork , i mean made from pig , but its not the same as PORK pork , the two meats are made from differant parts of the hog. Pork is from the belly , ham is from the... acttually you don't wanna know.

What are saveloys made of?

Saveloys are typically made from a mixture of pork, beef, and a blend of spices. They are cured, smoked, and cooked before being sold as a popular type of sausage in the UK and Australia.

What is fresh pork?

if you just killed a pig and sold the meat to someone, it is called fresh pork

What kind of meat is sold at boucherie-chevaline?

a boucherie has meat such as chicken, red meat, steak but not cured meats like pork products or any cured meat like ham and sausages. to get these one must go to a charcuterie. this is where you get all of pork products and sausages and even prepared meals like sandwiches and salads. Its kind of like a deli.

Does bacon fat have pork in it?

Bacon is pork; it usually comes from the back and sides of a pig. It is frequently salted and smoked or cured and sold in thin slices.The bacon slices are also called rashers, and are fried or used in casseroles and stews. Bacon can also be bought in thick cuts, for dicing and other methods of preparationa.The popular Italian pancetta is a type of bacon.

Is salami meat?

You can buy salami/ hard cured sausage made with almost any type of meat. Beef/Pork or poultry are most common. Regional tastes dictate what is produced. Donkey and horse are available in parts of Latin America & Europe but must be sold as such. I have purchased alligator salami in Alabama and cured bear sausage in Alaska. In North America, federal food regulations clearly demand a well defined list of contents from imported and domestic cured meats. Read the labels.

What exactly is charrizo sausage?

Chorizo is a sausage made from pork and red peppers, paprika and white wine. Depending on which country the sausage is made in determines some of the ingriedents. Like in Mexico chilli peppers are used. The sausage is cured or smoked. It can be sold either cooked or uncooked. It is made in Italy, Spain and Mexico. Normally bought cooked from any good deli counter. It is a nice tasty sausage that thinly sliced goes well on a cold meat platter. It can also be eaten fresh straight from the deli counter.

What did George Washington's brother do?

smoked/sold the ganga

Which snack is sold under the Spanish name Chicharrones?

Pork rinds

What would a butcher do in roman times?

A buthcer in Roman times did what all butchers have done throughout history, except that, unlike today, they also slaughtered animals. Then they cut them into peaces and sold the meat. In the city of Rome they bought cattle at the Forum Boarium (the cattle market) and other meats at other markets and sold their meat either in shops or at the Forum Saurium (the pork and meat market).

What did the Maryland colony do with the tobacco they grew?

They smoked it, sold it, and chewed it.

Examples of what are sold in a boucheries shop in french?

une boucherie (fem.) is a butcher's shop in French. What is sold there is meat: des côtes de porc (pork chops), steack ( ), du boeuf (beef), du veau (veal), du mouton (lamb)... and processed meat like pâtés.