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Marine clams, called mussels, reproduce by releasing their eggs and sperm into the water. Freshwater clams reproduce when the male releases his sperm into the water and the female sucks up the sperm into her body through her incurrent siphon.

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Q: Contrast sexual reproduction of marine clams and most freshwater clams?
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Sexual reproduction vs asexual reproduction in terms of survival?

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A conclusion about a compare and contrast about asexual and sexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction involves one parent and produces offspring identical to the parent, providing genetic uniformity and efficiency. In contrast, sexual reproduction involves two parents, creates genetic variation among offspring, and requires specialized reproductive structures and behaviors. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages depending on the species and environment.

How do asexual and sexual reproduction in plants compare and contrast?

This is clearly homework. Wiki will not do your work for you so it is time to open your science book to find the answer.

What type of reproduction when two sex cells usally an egg and sperm come together?

Sexual as opposed to asexual.The type of reproduction when two sex cells, usually an egg and sperm come together is known as sexual reproduction.

How the seaweeds differ from the other living things?

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What is conjugation a form of?

A. Respiration B. Producing energy C. Sexual reproduction D. Sexual reproduction The answer is C. Sexual reproduction