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Vegetable, peanut, or canola oils are the best (you can choose based on allergy / dietary restrictions, availablity, or affordability).

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The two are interchangable.

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yes you can

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Q: Canola oil for vegetable oil in funnel cakes?
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What oil can you use to bake cakes?

I usually use sunflower oil, but any other plain tasting oil will work - canola, rapeseed, or any other vegetable oil.

Can you mix canola oil and vegetable oil together for baking?

Well, Canola oil is vegetable oil, but it will work just fine for the cake.

Can vegetable oil used in place of canola oil?

yes you can

Can you use vegetable oil to bake cake instead of butter?

Yes, you can but only for cakes that require the use of oil. If you use it for other cakes requiring butter it won't have the same flavour.

Can you sub canola oil for vegetable oil?

no, veggie oil is the best personal lube

Can vegetable oil be substituted for canola oil?

No it will not taste the same.Yes. Canola oil is a type of vegetable oil.Depending on what you're making, canola oil can be substituted for vegetable oil. Canola oil is also healthier than vegetable oil and has no noticable taste differences.

Can you use canola oil in a cake mix instead of vegetable oil?


Can canola oil be used as a substitute for solid vegetable shortening in a cake?

Yes, in some cake recipes, canola oil can be substituted for shortening.

Can canola oil be used instead of vegetable oil when seasoning a new griddle?


Is sunflower oil the same as vegetable oil?

Vegetable oil can be made out of several different plants, including soybean, peanuts, canola, and sunflower. So while all sunflower oil is vegetable oil, not all vegetable oil is sunflower oil.

Why is canola oil healthier than vegetable oil?

What are some oils to cook with?

vegetable oil corn oil olive oil Crisco oil wesson oil canola oil