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No they cant because they have a different digestive system then dogs do! see my cats drank all my chocolate milk when i wasnt looking and they were just fine and i researched all over the internet and i found the truth

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No, cats do not have allergy to chocolate. It just will make them fat.

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Q: Can your cat die if it drinks chocolate milk?
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Is you accidentally feed your cat chocolate will it die?

no your cat Will not die but if you gave it alot then it will be sick just know next time when you have chocolate you cat is in your face begging for it DO NOT.......IM GOING TO REPEAT .... DO NOT GIVE YOU CAT NOR YOUR DOG CHOCOLATE.

Can i die from drinking chocolate milk?

Not unless you are allergic to it, no.

What is the consequence for cats to eat chocolate?

Your cat(s) may be poisoned and die. If cats get chocolate in their mouth, contact a vet right away. White chocolate, however, may not be poisonious, as it is not made with the cacoa beans milk chocolate is made with. I wouldn't take a chance, though

Why can't cats have chocolate?

Cat's can't have chocolate because it is toxic, and cat's can not have toxic things. Thats why cats cant have chocolate. If they get chocolate they could get sick and die. Never give them chocolate.

What happens when a cat drinks pinesol?

They get sick and you better take it to a vet or it might die.

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their stomachs flip and they get cramps and die slowly and painfully

What do french people drink with croissants?

Coffee, hot chocolate or milk for breakfast. Water for lunch and dinner, wine for some, sometimes soft drinks for others.

Does a cat suffer if it drinks anitifreeze?

It will most likely die unless you get medical attention right away.

What happens if a cat eats a chameleon?

Sometimes it gets sick and needs to be taken to the vet and it usually coughs the frog up because the cat get less comforted with a frog hopping around in its throat.

Should you feed a cat chocolate?

Chocolate can be lethal for cats. Although most cats won't eat it on their own, they can be coaxed to eat it by owners and others who think they are giving the cat a treat. The toxic agent in chocolate is theobromine. It's in all kinds of chocolate, even white chocolate

If you give a cat chocolate will it die yes or no?

Chocolate is very bad for cats! It's like poison, in small amounts, they will get sick. In larger amounts, it will kill them.

What happens if your dog drinks chocolate milk?

Depends on how much they drank and the size of the dog. My Airdale Terrier drank a Chocolate shake, and grapes, an d a potatoe, and lived. so it really depends on the size. THEY SHOULDN'T THOUGH. CHOCOLATE, GRAPES, AND POTATOES ARE BAD FOR DOGS.