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yes, i would think so.

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Q: Can you use vegetable oil instead of canola oil in hard shell chocolate sauce?
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What to substitute vegetable oil in waffles?

I personally substitute vegetable oil with canola oil. It is low in saturated fat and healthier for you. Some canola oils also contain omega 3, which many doctors recommend to their patients. *** Any other oil, corn, canola , olive , can be used as a substitute.( Even melted margarine or butter with limits) . Its mostly the flavor the fat brings to the dish or recipe that will be the difference. I'm over simplifying , but with out more info as to what you are preparing .. that's about it. Another good substitute for vegetable oil is apple sauce. It is healthier, but it does surprisingly taste very good and as it would with the oil. We didn't have any types of oil, and I found that apple sauce answer on yahoo answers. Cool! (: Enjoy...

What is a main ingredent of mole sauce?

One distinctive ingredient in mole sauce is chocolate or cocoa powder. But the "main ingredient" to which the chocolate, chilies and other ingredients are added may be vegetable or chicken broth.

Where is the chocolate sauce on Club Penguin?

The chocolate sauce is in the pizza parlor.

What do you do on the mission on club penguin where you have to collect the chocolate sauce?

Colect the chocolate sauce

What was the chocolate sauce that froze on ice cream?

That is often called a "shell" or "chocolate shell sauce".

When was Somebody's Mother's Chocolate Sauce created?

Somebody's Mother's Chocolate Sauce was created in 2005-04.

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How do you say chocolate sauce in french?

Sauce au chocolat

Can you substitute coco powder with chocolate sauce?

No. Cocoa powder is a dry ingredient and chocolate sauce is a liquid, so they are not interchangeable.

What is the name of the spicy chocolate sauce in Mexico?

It is known as "mole sauce".

Why does chocolate milk taste like chocolate?

Because they put chocolate in it. ( LIKE CHOCOLATE SAUCE & TOPPING )

What is guittard chocolate sauce?

Mr Cadbury himself One day he decided to melt chocolate, so he went into his kitchen and melted some and then chocolate sauce was made.