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yes you can use lime zest instead of lime extract.

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Q: Can you use lime extract instead of lime zest?
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Related questions

How much lemon zest should you use to replace 12 teaspoon of lemon extract?

None they are two different things. Lemon extract is a juice texture and lemon zest is basically grated lemon skin. So if you are making something and you don't have any lemon extract and you replace it with lemon zest, well........ HAPPY EATING :|

How much lemon juice equals one teaspoon lemon zest?

To substitute lemon zest for lemon extract, you'll first need to chop the strips of zest as finely as you can. Then just use a one-for-one substitution: one tsp of finely chopped zest = 1 tsp extract.

Use instead of lemon juice?

Lemon powder can be used instead of lemon extract in anything that will give the powder an opportunity to dissolve completely. A good use for the substitution would be in whipped cream.

Can you use almond extract instead of vanilla extract?

You could use vanilla extract, but the taste would be different. you are bettere off going with almond instead

What can you use instead of a lime?


Can you use malt extract instead of malt powder?

malt extract

What can you use to substitute lemon juice in sugar waxing?

You can use Lime juice, and I think you can use Lemon extract im not sure.

Can you use vanilla extract instead of almond extract?

u can use vanilla extract just double the amount

Substitute for lemon zest?

I want to use lemon extrct instead of 1 teaspoon of zest

What fruit can turn vanilla icing green?

You could try adding lime zest, but I'm not quite sure that'd work. I think that the easiest thing to do would be to use green food coloring and add lime juice to flavor it.

How much lemon juice do you use to replace 1 tablespoon of grated lemon?

For a teaspoon of lemon zest use 1/2 teaspoon lemon extract OR 2 tablespoons lemon juice

What is a substitute for grated lime rind?

Yes, you can grate the peel of an orange to substitute for grated orange peel. Just be sure to grate lightly, as you only need the outer orange part, and not the "meat" of the peel. This is also referred to as orange zest.