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yes you can'pretty much milk is milk no matter what it is labelled

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Q: Can you use evaporated skim milk instead of 1 percent milk in a cake recipe?
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Just by replacing all the ingredients with organic ingredients, like using organic sugar instead of normal sugar.

How do you change a boxed cake recipe for different size cake pans for instancea teired cake?

You really don't need to change the recipe. The only thing I would suggest is baking the cake with duck eggs (if you can find them) instead of chicken eggs because they make the cake hold better. They make the cake less crumbly or unstable. Hope this helps. :)

What is the recipe for the lava crunch cake?

There is no recipe

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Just pour the batter into a baking pan and cook it as one cake.

What exactly is a diabetic pound cake recipe?

A diabetic pound cake recipe is a pound cake recipe that presumably substitutes the sugar in the normal cake recipe for Splenda or some other diabetic safe sugar substitute. There are many such recipes you can find on the web.

Where can I find a diabetic cake recipe?

If you are looking for a diabetic cake recipe I would suggest you go to "Kraft Canada" to find a diabetic cake recipe suitable for you. You can also go to a local cake store and ask if they have any diabetic cake recipes available for you.

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Cake recipe with fudge that goes through the cake?

You may be asking about Tunnel of Fudge Cake. See attached link for one recipe.

Where can one find a recipe for gingerbread cake?

A recipe for gingerbread cake can be found at the website Allrecipes. One can also find a recipe at the website for the Food Channel. Another website to find a recipe for gingerbread cake is Martha Stewart.