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You can use canned milk for up to one year after the use by date printed on the can. However, it may not be at its optimal flavor, or appearance.

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Q: Can you use canned milk one year after the expiration date?
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Why is expiration date important?

It depends what kind of expiration date like on milk or food or drinks it should say A black Print that says a month and a date and the year thats the expiration date...

Is canned food still good after the expiration date?

There is no magic date. It will depend on the quality of the food to begin with, the quality and type of container and the subsequent handling and storage thereof. Even canned, food will degrade and change color, texture and flavor. I have used some items that were a year past the coded date. They were edible, but I could tell the difference when compared to newer product. Many canned foods are coded with 2 and even 3 year shelf lives. But for best quality and nutrition, plan to use canned goods within a year. If you are trying to maintain a cache of canned foods, use product throughout the year and replace it with fresh stock. Use the FIFO method - First In First Out. Always use the oldest items first.

How long can you store canned soup?

If it was store bought in the can, it should have an expiration date. If you canned it yourself, it should be good for a year or so, as long as it was properly sealed and kept in a cool, dry place.

Does canned pumpkin expire?

Most canned foods don't have an exact expiration date. Unless they were improperly canned, they are not degrading in the same way uncanned food does - but they will deteriorate in nutrition and quality. If the can has a best-by date on it, try to use it before then. If not, try to use it within a year of purchase. If home-canned, try to use it before the next harvest. As always, check canned goods for signs of spoilage before using them.

Where is the expiration date on smirnoff?

Smirnoff Ice does expire because it has fresh fruit flavors in it. It is good about a year after the manufactured date.

Can whole wheat pasta be kept a year after expiry?

NO!! Nothing should be eaten after the expiration date. That's like saying you can drink spoiled milk.

Can you eat 10 year old canned chicken broth?

It is never advised to eat anything pass it's expiration date. The broth could make someone very sick if consumed.

Is there an expiration date on canned foods and how would one read the expired date?

On most cans there is an expiration date. Usually on the bottom or top of the can, sometimes on the label itself. If you can't find it on the top, bottom or label, try peeling the label off because sometimes its hidden there. Most companies date their products with the day/month/year. For example 02JUN2012. 02 being the day, JUN being the month and 2012 being the year.

Is hourglass means expiration date?

Yes. Hourglass followed by year - month is expiration date. Hand with pointer finger lifted is manufacture date.

What is the expiration date on a limited permit in the army?

One year from date of issue

Can you take methylprednisolone after the 3 year expiration date?


What year did the food and drug administration require food expiration dates to be posted on canned foods?

The FDA does not require companies to put expiration dates on any foods.