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Q: Can you use Sacanat dehydrated Sugar to make caramel?
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Related questions

How much sugar does it take to make one kilogram of caramel?

It takes about 800 grams of sugar to make one kilogram of caramel, as sugar is the main ingredient in caramel production. Other ingredients like cream, butter, and flavorings may also be used in caramel recipes.

Which ingredient is used to make caramel?


How do you make caramel on little alchemy?

I think fire and sugar.

Can sugar turn to something bitter?

Yes if you make a dark caramel with it.

Caramel forms when table sugar C12H22O11 reacts with oxygen. What elements make up caramel?

Caramel is mainly composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. During the reaction, the sugar molecules break down and rearrange to form new compounds, which result in the browning and characteristic flavor of caramel.

Where does Cadburys get caramel from?

Cadburys creates it's own caramel in their factories by boiling sugar. The caramel is then frozen to make it solidify, molten chocolate is then poured over the solid caramel pieces, and then the caramel slowly thaws. That is how it's liquid within the solid chocolate bar.

What are form when sugar is heated?

Sugar crystals are formed when you heat sugar. Also, if you do not burn it you can make caramel and toffee when you heat sugar, but you might need to follow a recipe!

How do you make carmel on little alcemey?

the official site says sugar + fire= caramel. but it didnt work for me

What is flan topping?

Savoury:Cheese, egg, bacon, chicken.Sweet:Jam, cream, ice cream, fruit.

Does caramel contain strawberries?

No, caramel doesn't contain strawberries. Caramel is just sugar, cooked in a pan with a little water until it's dissolved and deep golden-brown. It's used to colour and flavour all kinds of foods from custards, cakes and confectionary to gravy. You might be thinking of the candy known as caramel, made of sugar, butter and cream cooked together and refrigerated until cold. You can make or buy this kind of caramel, as well as caramel sauce, caramel custard, caramel cream, caramel fudge, and so on. They're all easy to make and all have in common the golden-brown caramel colour. If you want strawberries or other fruit, or nuts and so on, in or to eat with caramel confections and sauces you can add them yourself.

How do you make deepavli sweets?

ingrediants: a hunk of caramel, a bunch of sugar and some syrup. mix it all up

How do I make caramel apple pie?

To make caramel apple pie you need a store bought pastry to form the base and the lid of the pie. Combine brown sugar, flour and butter until it looks like caramel. Place 5 cups of thinly sliced apples, white sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon, and flour together until fully coated. add the apple mixutre into the half pie shell, then add the caramel sauce and lid the pie. Be sure to pinch the corners down or the caramel will leak out.