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The average consumer would not be able to tell. The germinal disc is so small on the yolk that it is almost invisible. Chicken breeders and farmers can point it out but unless you know what to look for you would not see it.

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10y ago

You won't be able to tell if a white chicken egg is fertile by candling the egg, if the egg if fresh and a good candidate for incubation. However by the end of 7 days, it will be very easy to see the blood vessels in all but the olive eggs and chocolate colored eggs, and you can then cull out the infertile and blood spot eggs.

If you crack the egg for breakfast or baking, it is fairly easy to tell if the egg was fertilized or not. It just takes a little practice and knowing what to look for.

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12y ago

Its hard to tell at the time of laying, but after a little while you can look at it though a candle light and see if there is anything there.

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12y ago

Like most birds, hen chickens only need to mate once before they start laying eggs for the entire clutch to be fertile. She usually mates many times though, just to be sure.

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Q: Can you tell if a chicken egg is fertile before you put it in the incubator?
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How do you know if chicken egg is fertilized?

The one way you can tell if a chicken eggs is fertile is by holding a strong flash light behind it and if you see the embero it is fertile

How do you know that a chicken egg is fertile without breaking it?

When its just fresh there's no telling. After the hen has been sitting on it or has been in an incubator you can tell be holding it against a bright light (you can see blood veins in the egg) or put it in water; a fertilized egg will float, and a non fertilized egg will sick. A spoiled/ rotten egg will float as well, but it will be quiet old when that happens.

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If they are round and plump. Infertile eggs also tend to be yellow. Even if the eggs are dented I would still put them in an incubator until they mold since they can still be fertile and produce perfectly healthy babies.

How do you tell the chicken's age?

with a rooster, spur length is a good sign - the longer the spur the older the chicken. Otherwise, it's quite hard to tell. Maybe as the chicken gets older its feathers get shabby. Chickens are normally dispatched before they get too decrepit.

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There are some scientific and high-tech ways to tell, but these aren't affordable for the small-time producer. The best way is still the old stand-by: put then in the incubator and then candle them OR you could crack one and see if there is a "bullseye" spot on the yoke. That would at least tell you that some of your quail eggs are probably fertile.

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If you eat fried chicken before you get a blood sample will you be able to see the grease in your blood?

Absolutely. They will also be able to tell where you bought the chicken from. The same is true for mayonnaise. You are an idiot.

In France how can you tell if an egg is organic?

The same way you tell in the U.S. A chicken is a chicken anywhere they are.

How do you know if an egg is fertile without cracking it?

You could take to a lab or a vet they have these special machines that can tell if its fertile or not

What you going to do and who is this?

this me and im going tell u about chicken i love chicken

What are the easiest egg incubators to use?

Having raised all kinds of poultry over the last 35 years, I can tell you, and I'm not trying to be silly, that the best egg incubator is the mama hen. My broody chicken hens have hatched out turkeys, ducks, geese, peafowl, pheasants, guineafowl, and, of course, baby chickens. As long as you have food and water available for the broody hen, she takes care of all the other details. If you don't have a broody chicken hen available, the easiest type of incubator is one that will "turn" the eggs for you and maintain a 100F temperature and the required humidity without fail. A box type, with viewing window, is very nice for occasional hatches or when you have children following the incubation process. A cabinet incubator is invaluable if large or frequent hatches are necessary.

How do you tell spoilage of chicken?

Usually by the smell first and then the chicken feels slimy.