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if u get to drink water, fresh water not from the ocean, then yes

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Q: Can you survive an an island by eating fish alone?
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How does animals on the Galaphagos Island survive?

i think they survive by eating fish and hunting each other i think they survive by eating fish and hunting each other

How does a Flying Fish survive in the wild?

by eating lots of food

How did cholera survive the journey to the US?

By eating shell fish.

How can you tell if you're baby fish are eating?

If The food you put in the Fish Tank is Gone. and if they survive.

How do fish survive eating water weeds?

Some fish are adapted to eat aquatic plants. That's just what they eat.

What helps the penguin survive Antarctica?

The fish often swim in the colder water and same with krill, so the penguins can survive by catching the fish and eating some then later on feeding to their pupils.

What percentage of plaice survive?

76% - due to predators eating plaice (aka flat fish)

Why did fish survive in the lake but fish eating birds don't?

Fish have adapted to survive in aquatic environments by developing gills to extract oxygen from water, while fish-eating birds rely on a different respiratory system that requires them to breathe air. If the lake becomes depleted of oxygen or contaminated with toxins, the fish may still be able to survive using their gills, while the birds would not be able to find suitable prey or may become poisoned by ingesting contaminated fish.

Is it OK to have one fish in a tank?

That depends on the type of fish. Some fish need company in order to survive. Common gold fish, Polynisian Fighting fish and many more are fine to live alone

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How do rainbow fish survive?

Rainbow fish survive by being fast swimmers with streamlined bodies, allowing them to escape from predators. They also have vibrant colors and iridescence that can confuse or distract predators. Additionally, rainbow fish often swim in schools, which can provide protection through numbers and collective vigilance.

What is the blurb to kensukes kingdom?

Washed up on an island in the pacific, Michael struggles to survive on his own. He can't find food, he can't find water. In the end, he curls up to die. When he wakes, there is a plate beside him of fish, of fruit, and a bowl of fresh water. He is not alone…