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Q: Can you substitute great northern beans for navy in baked bean recipes?
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N northern beans substitute for white kidney beans?

yes they can

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What recipes are beans used in?

Beans can be used in a number of recipes. The most popular are in soups, salads, chili's, and baked beans. They can also be fried or used in casseroles and crock pots. Mexican dishes are famous for using beans in many of their dishes.

What collective noun is for baked beans?

The Appropriate Collective Noun for "Baked Beans," Is a Halm Of Baked Beans

What are baked beans made of?

beans that are baked

What is the Difference between baked beans and pork and beans?

Well, Baked beans are baked plain old beans and Pork and Beans is like beans with Pork in them..

Why are baked beans bad for you?

Baked beans are not bad for you.

What ingredients do the best chili recipes include?

The best chili recipes include lots of beans and ground meat or meat substitute. They also have to include lots of spices.

What is baked beans in the food plate?

Baked beans are vegtables.

Are pork and beans the same as baked beans?

No. For one thing, baked beans do not necessarily contain pork. Also, baked beans are generally sweeter than pork and beans.

Can you substitute Northern beans for chickpeas?

You can. The resulting flavor would be somewhat different, but you can make a perfectly passable hummus, falafel, or other chick-pea based recipe with Northern beans.

Where do you get baKED beans from?

Baked Beans come from a plant. Then they come from a tin. The tin with those beans, can be purchased in a shop. More information: Baked beans begin as beans which grow on a vine. The beans are shelled and then dried. Some are processed in factories and sold as canned baked beans. Others are packaged as dried beans, which can then be cooked into baked beans by home cooks.