Shoot It with a shotgun right in the head!!
shoot it
That is the roosters job. He is the guardian of his flock and he will attack anything he perceives as a threat to his flock. Children are often targets for rooster attacks as they move in what the rooster sees as a threatening manner approaching the hens and often very animated while doing so. Kids tend to run and cry when attacked by a rooster which make the rooster more excited and powerful feeling.
vikings stop attacking in the 800
feet it uses its head to eat and drink
Unless it's exceptionally hot, and/or the rooster is not used to heat, a rooster will usually not stop crowing, though his crowing may very well decline in the hottest hours of the day.
Because Palestine keeps attacking the Jews.
give up. there is no way to stop it
They didn't
hit it or take it out would be my choice
usually at 5 years of age
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