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If it doesn't smell right to you - don't use it! Risking your own and others' health on questionable ingredients makes no sense.

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Q: Can you still use chicken stock that smells funny?
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Related questions

Which country makes chicken stock?

Most countries make and use chicken stock. Most cooks have made and used chicken stock.

What is chicken stock in Tagalog?

Tagalog translation of CHICKEN STOCK: - sabaw ng manok

How many milileters of chicken stock are in a gram?

There are about 5 ml of chicken stock are in a gram.

Can you substitute chicken broth for turkey stock?

Yes, you can substitute chicken broth for turkey stock as the two are similar in taste. This would work better than substituting with vegetable or beef stock.

What is the substitute for a chicken stock cube?

That depends upon what you are making. If you are making chicken soup, you can use actual chicken instead of a chicken stock cube.

Why is your chicken stock oily?

The chicken used to make the stock has released chicken fat into the stock during the cooking process, this is normal, all you need to do is skim of the fat or oil from the surface of the stock with a spoon and chuck it away. It will not harm the stock.

Can you use chicken stock insted of chicken broth?

Chicken Stock can be used effectively instead of chicken broth. You will get a similar taste.

How long does it take to cook chicken soup?

From prep to serve it's about a half an hour. That is using pre cooked chicken. Allow more time if you have to cube and cook the chicken yourself. More Info: If you make your own chicken stock the same day it will take quite a bit longer. Homemade chicken soup tastes the best with homemade stock. If you can make stock ahead of time and freeze it, you can still make the chicken soup in about half an hour to an hour.

Can you make chicken stock with frozen chicken?

Yes, although it may be less flavorful then if made with fresh meat. It still tastes better then canned broth though.

What happen if you mix chicken stock and seafood stock?

You get chish stock.

What else is in chicken soup?

Probably chicken stock.

What can you subsitue for chicken stock in gravy?

Chicken broth