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You could put up a few pounds of epsom salts (or other bath salts) in a real good smoker, and let them sit at about 180F for 10 or 12 hours over a slow fire of hickory or mesquite, and get a nice, even smoke flavor you can't get from a can... Using that salt -- you'd smell delightfully like BBQ, which will certainly attract some folks.

That said, if you mean smoke to get high, no. Salt -- in this case sodium -- takes a few thousand degrees Fahrenheit to melt and Lord alone knows how much to ignite. Contact with the fumes would incinerate you. More, bath salts contain essential oils, none of which I am aware of getting you high, and most of which I understand aren't good for your lungs in smoke form. And we haven't even gotten to the fumes from partial combustion, which often contains carbon monoxide, a nifty toxin that doesn't even get you high.

So -- unless you want to smell like cookin', low and slow (which might not be a bad thing) -- no, you can't smoke bath salts.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Well, you can smoke it, shoot it, snort, eat it, even if it aint no good..

But I would recommend takin a bath.

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Q: Can you smoke bath salts
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What object is used to smoke bath salts out of?

A crack pipe...dopey!

Can you smoke tranquility bath salt?

No, bath salts like tranquility bath salts are meant for relaxing baths and should not be smoked or ingested in any way. Doing so can be dangerous and harmful to your health.

How long can you lose your memory from bath salts?

I went to a smoke shop and was talking to one of the workers there about bath salts and he said he lost his memory for about 3 Weeks also he forgot how to use a fork. I swear this is a true sTory. Also bath salts show up as Meth on drug tests.

Is bath salts smoke able?

Yes, however it is not recommended. It can cause dilluisions and schizopherenic like actions and thoughts.

Can you eat candy cane bath salts?

Do not eat bath salts.

Where in the us can you purchase bath salts?

pretty much any smoke shop or small gas station.

What are eposm salts?

bath salts

Can you smoke rave on bath salts?

No, smoking drugs like bath salts is not safe and can have serious health consequences. Smoking bath salts can cause addiction, psychotic episodes, agitation, and dangerous changes in behavior. It's important to avoid using drugs in risky ways and to seek help if you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse.

What is the company history of KTM motorcycles?

a pw 50 will not smoke any ktm 50 the guy that wrote that is high on bath salts

Where can I find cheap bath salts?

There are a lot of specialty stores that offer bath salts, as well as larger chain grocery stores. I have seen bath salts at Walmart and Meijer, as well as bath salts in Bulk at Whole Foods Market.

What kind of bath salts can you eat?

It is not safe to eat any kind of bath salts. Bath salts are meant to be used for external purposes only, such as adding fragrance or minerals to bathwater. Ingesting bath salts can be harmful or toxic to your health.

Do Bath Salts have LSD like effects if eaten?

No, bath salts closely resemble Methamphetamine. The media has been calling Bath Salts "The new LSD" but this is incredibly inaccurate