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Absolutely not. The nuts, especially young ones, are slightly poisonous, containing alkaloid saponins and glucosides.

Whilst it probably wouldn't kill you, it would give severe stomach disorders and probably vomiting.

If you're a deer and suffer from flatulence, it might cure you but as deer have yet to master the internet, I'd find an alternative.

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Q: Can you roast and eat conkers?
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Do deer eat conkers?

Deer eat conkers. Conkers are more commonly known as horse chestnuts. These nuts are slightly poisonous. However, deer have the capability of breaking down the toxins and are able to eat them safely.

Can guinea pigs eat conkers?

NO! they will slowly choke and die DO NOT TRY!

Why do conkers grow inside spiky shells?

They grow in spiky shells because of defence matters. Animals will eat conkers, animals such as squirrels, badgers ect. WARNING! do not pick up conkers as they can poke into your skin and may cause bleeding!

What can you do with conkers?


Can you eat horse chestnuts when pregnant?

Conkers (Horse Chestnuts) are inedible, possibly toxic to everyone.

What is roast?

A roast chicken is a chicken that you roast in the oven and then eat it... its really good:)

Is a roast bad for you?

It depends. If you are sick, then roast is not good for you. If you are feeling well, then you can eat roast. But not too often.

Were did conkers get their name?

Conkers are named after the hard, shiny seeds of the horse chestnut tree which are called "conkers." The game of conkers involves stringing these seeds together and trying to break your opponent's conker.

What type of nut grows in conkers?

Conkers is the nickname of the Horse Chestnut.

What do singaporeans eat at Christmas?

they have roast beef or roast ham and for desert they have trifle pudding

What is roasted chicken?

A roast chicken is a chicken that you roast in the oven and then eat it... its really good:)

What do they eat on christimas?

Well, I'm in England and we eat Turkey, roast potatoes, roast parsnips, carrots, brussel sprouts and a Yorkshire pudding.