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Yes you can. Generally when you warm it first bacteria settles into it and then when you thaw it once more to consume it, you will be eating the (sometimes harmful) bacteria.

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Q: Can you refreeze a cooked ham that has been thawed but not warmed?
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Can you refreeze cooked chicken after it has been frozen and thawed?

no because if its already frozen and u refreeze it it will come out nasty and spoiled

Can you refreeze thawed crab that has not been cooked?

The general rule for refreezing foods that have been thawed, is that you should only refreeze if there are still ice crystals present in it, or after it has been cooked. If you do refreeze, you should also reduce the amount of time before you use the food as well, since the partial thaw may have allowed spoilage to progress slightly.

Can you refreeze chicken thats been thawed in water?

It isn't generally safe to refreeze raw food. This is especially true for chicken, which is contaminated with salmonella at scary-high rates. If the chicken has thawed, it isn't generally safe to refreeze it and eat it later. This is especially true if it is thawed in room-temperature water rather than being thawed in the refrigerator. Once thawed, the chicken should be cooked fairly quickly. Once cooked, it can then be frozen for later consumption.

Can you freeze bacon then thaw and cook and then refreeze?

No, it would not be safe to refreeze bacon, or any food, without cooking it first.

Can you refreeze thawed pork?

According to the USDA, once food is thawed in the refrigerator, it is safe to refreeze it without cooking, although there may be a loss of quality due to the moisture lost through defrosting. After cooking raw foods which were previously frozen, it is safe to freeze the cooked foods. No, you should not refreeze meat once it has been thawed.

Can you refreeze ham that's been thawed but not cooked?

That would depend on how long it has been thawed I have done so without any bad effect however I did make sure that the meat was well cooked when I did eventualy use it,just in case.

Can frozen gooseberries be stewed and refrozen?

Yes. We are told not to refreeze things because bacteria can get established during the thawing and will not be destroyed by refreezing. However, it will be destroyed by cooking. It is perfectly ok to refreeze anything which has been cooked after it was thawed.

Can you refreeze meat that has been frozen and cooked?

Yes. As long as the meat has been thawed and handled in a safe manner prior to cooking, then you can freeze the cooked meat. A lot of people cook meals ahead of time for convenience.

Can you refreeze calf's liver?

Not if it is raw and has been fully thawed. You can cook it and then refreeze it. Put it in an air tight container.

If frozen fish thaws can it be frozen again?

No, frozen is frozen. But you can refreeze something that has been thawed. You can refreeze thawed meat long as there are still ice crystals on it. Once completely thawed then you need to cook it first then refreeze. This applies to solid pieces only, ground meat once more than half thawed needs to be cooked first then refrozen always.

Can you refreeze noodles once they have been thawed?

yes, but they maybe a bit slimy

Can you refreeze fish that has been cooked?
