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Yes. Once a food has been cooked (heated to 100 degrees centigrade) the bacteria in it are all killed off.

However, just as with raw meet you must not thaw and refreeze cooked meet.

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Q: Can you re freeze pork that isn't cooked?
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Once frozen, meat should not be refrozen without being cooked first. So if you have thawed 2 pounds of ground beef and then you bake a meatloaf with it, then you can re-freeze the meatloaf. But don't re-freeze the raw hamburger.

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No, definitely and absolutely not! It's a recipe for food poisoning.If frozen meat has thawed you can freeze it again AFTERit has been properly cooked. When the cooked meat is thawed, it must not be frozen again. It is just too risky.

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It is generally not recommended to re-freeze anything that has been thawed out.

can you refreeze a meat & potato pie?

I wouldn't recommend re-freezing it; I'd recommend cooking and eating it. Of course, after it has been cooked the leftovers could be re-frozen, but the freeze-thaw cycle does tend to turn most foods somewhat mushy.

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Is it better to freeze partially or fully cooked chicken?

Your main concern will be from the potential contamination that happens in the defrosting process. Although many types of bacteria will die if exposed to freezing temperatures, there are those that don't. You should look into that for the bacteria that is typically found in raw chicken. It may be that those bacterium can only be cooked out of the food. I wouldn't risk it.