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Hamsters in a cage can mind themselves if they have food and water. The only problem may be that its running on its wheel at night may disturb your sleep.

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Q: Can you put your hamster cage in your room if you go to school from 8-3?
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Related questions

How do you find a hamster when gets out of cage?

if it gets out put a food bowl in every room

Where can you keep your hamster when you are not here?

in its cage i say. i have a hamster and i have to go to school, i feed him in the morning and i leave him in his cage, when i come back i put him into his exercise ball , and then i feed him again.

What is the best place to put a hamster cage?

Put it on a table in your room(if it's clean), so that nobody can go near it

How can you get your hamster to get pregnant?

you put it in the same cage with a male hamster

How do you say .broken. and .hamster cage. in spanish?

(It would not let me put commas.) broken-- hamster cage--

Can a hamster die if you put it in a new cage?

Yes, it'd be best for the new hamster who is coming in to the cage. And would be much more sanitary.

How do i make hamster have baby's?

Put a hamster of the opposite sex in its cage.

Can you put a short haired hamster in a cage with a long haired hamster?

Yes you can

When you clean your hamster cage where can you put it so it dose not runaway?

In a hamster ball.

Where to put a hamsters cage?

Put your hamster's cage in a cool place but also where it can get sun. Make sure not to put it directly in front of a window and not in a closet or under a bed. If you have cat's it's a bad idea to put it on the floor. My hamster's cage is on a shelf up high. Have fun with your new hamster!

Is it bad to put a hamster in a wet cage?


How much woodshaving do you put in a hamster cage?

enough so the hamster can hide under it.