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If you have an actual bowl and not an aquarium, then you would not want to be putting a lid on. Goldfish bowls have very small surface area for the water and that affects how much oxygen your fish can get. They actually aren't that good for them. Putting a lid on would reduce this even further. Aquariums can be covered with glass especially supplied, although it won't be a complete cover.

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17y ago
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14y ago

Well, it really depends how much time you intend to dedicate to it. Goldfish are fast waste producing so, you'll need to clean the gravel and the bowl about three times a week. You dont really need to worry about it growing out of the bowl because, as with most fish, it will grow to the size of it's container.

To clean it you will need to:

1. take the goldfish out and put it in some type if container filled with cold water and conditioned with water conditioner ( so the water will be safe for the fish)

2. dump all the water and gravel out into a strainer over the sink and turn the hot water on.

3. rinse the gravel out very well with STEAMING water.

4. take a hot damp paper towel and wipe the bowl in and out.

5 put the gravel back and fill the bowl with tepid water.

6. put water conditioner in the water according to the instructions.

7. put the goldfish back in the bowl.

I have a black moor goldfish and he's been healthy in his bowl for 12 years.

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14y ago

Nope :) just make sure you dont put the water right to the top so they dont jump otu if you're really worried get a bowl with a top that has breathable tiny little holes kinda like a net incase you have a labybrinth fish (fish that breath oxygen)

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14y ago

I wouldn't do it, if I were you. It is a huge stress for the fish. The little water will soon lose most of its oxygen and gathers toxic wastes of the fish. You couldn't replace this water with normal tap water as it will be also fatal to the fish. Your fish most probably will soon die after this trip. Sorry!

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16y ago

I've had as many as 10 in our large bowl but right now only 5 and they are healthy as i often dump out some water and let more trickle in slowly as to deliver oxygen.

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15y ago

No but you would have to be sure your fish isn't the kind that would jump out.

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No you idiot ! Dangit ! :/

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Goldfish just need a plain bowl and some plants

Where do you put your goldfish bowl?

you put it somewhere where there is no sunlight or light because goldfish die in the heat so use cold water and put it somewhere cold but not that cold

Can two goldfish be together in a fish bowl?

Yes, provided the bowl is large enough.

When was Love in a Goldfish Bowl created?

Love in a Goldfish Bowl was created in 1961.

Is it ok to have two goldfish in one bowl?

Goldfish cannot live in bowls. Fancy goldfish need at least 20 gallons for the first fish, and 10 gallons minimum for any additional goldfish. This means that for two goldfish, the smallest tank you should have is 30 gallons.

Does a betta need a filtered tank or would a goldfish bowl work?

they can live in goldfish bowls i have always kept my beta in a goldfish bowl and my last beta lived between 4-5 years in a goldfish bowl.

Where is the best place for a goldfish to live?

A pond is really the best place. Here is alist of places to keep a goldfish from best to worst. 1. A pond 2. A large aquarium- 10 gallons for each goldfish 3. A bowl- DO NOT PUT ANYTHING IN A BOWL IT WILL NOT DO WELL AT ALL

Why does your new goldfish just swim around at the bottom?

It may just be getting used to the surroundings that you have put it in. Or if you have had it for a day or two it may need food or its bowl/tank cleaning out.