Get an aquarium, put sanitized sand or bark in the bottom. Get a "hot" rock to put in to keep the temperature even inside the aquarium. The inside of the aquarium is colder than the outside temperature and a lizard needs warmth because it is cold blooded. Also put in things for the lizard to hide in and sit on top, put in a water dish, and get crickets for food. All of this you can buy at the pet store. You buy crickets by the tube and you only need one tube. Throw them into the aquarium and let them be free. A little oatmeal will feed them.
A lizard
You can safely put 2ml into the 10l aquarium
There is no "aquarium" tag on YouTube. Only "Pets & Animals." You just put "#aquarium" in the description and "aquarium" in the tags section of your video.
yeah just clean it well before with some diluted bleach and let it dry out. lizards have bacteria on their skin that can harm the fish
No, because if you boil a water and put it in the aquarium the tendency is the aquarium will crack.;) SO EASY!
You can put one maybe 2 one-inch fishes in your one gallon aquarium
Get a small Aquarium Fish Net, get the body of the Fish, put it in the toilet.