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no. the male betta will attack every fish it sees. and its to bad because the bettas are the most beautiful fish, and it would be nice to set up a tank of just bettas. but the true answer is no. but yes to a female betta. you can put female bettas with other fish. and sometimes you can put male bettas and female betas together. (i was assuming you were asking about the male betta)

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13y ago
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13y ago

You can, but it must be done carefully. Male Bettas are exceptionally territorial, some more so than others. In order to keep them with other fish first you must have a spacious tank over 10-15 US gallons or more, ideally over 20 US gallons, with a soft filter so there are no strong currents and tall plants.

The tank must be stocked with the other fish first, do it the other way round and there's a risk the Betta will have claimed his territory and see everything else as a threat, this is the big mistake people make!

Bettas can be kept successfully with slow moving, not too colourful, robust mid-bottom dwellers, like small species of Corydora and Pleco. Small Tetras such as Neons or Rummynoses or small Rasboras like Harlequins can also work provided they are kept in proper shoals.

Care must be taken the Betta is not outcompeted to food or fin nipped. Bettas are more likely to end up a victim in a community set up than a mass murderer!

Female Bettas are less territorial so often work better in community tanks over 20 US gallons.

BIG nonos to be kept with Bettas include any Cichlid, Tiger Barbs, predatory Catfish, very active fish like Zebra Danios or other well known fin nippers like Serpae and Penguin Tetras.

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15y ago

Yes Bettas are OK with many different species of fish. They only fight with other males of their own species.

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Betta, goldfish.ex.

What kind of decorations can your put in a betta fish tank?

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What kind of fish doesn't a male betta fish eat?

You can try to put Guppy fish in with your Betta fish. That would be one of the only fish that i would put in with my Betta fish. I say that because i have a Betta male and he is OKAY with guppies. the first guppy i put in his died to to getting picked on by him but the others did not, so just give him another chance if you decide to get guppies. Hope i helped!

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What kind of fish can you put in a 2 gallon octagon fish tank with a pump?

You could put the following: 3x Neon Tetra or... 1x Betta

Can you put one betta fish with one goldfish?

Betta fish are best as a solitary fish and are not compatible with goldfish.

Can a crown tail bettas be put with a different kind of betta?

No! Betas are territorial fish. They will fight to death. You should also not keep them with any other kind of fish because it may stress your beta. If you have a large tank then a snail would be a good choice to put with your beta.

How do you stop betta fish from mating?

the betta fish is a very beautiful fish but maybe put them in a seperate bowl for awhile.

Can you put an angelfish and a betta fish in the same tank?

No...betta fish are usually aggressive and might kill the angelfish.

Can you put a ponsetta plant with a betta fish?


How much does it take for a betta to accept another fish?

Bettas are dumb as rocks. If you put another betta, any other anabantid like a gourami, or any long-finned fish in with a betta, the betta will fight it because he will think it's another betta. If you put a short-finned fish in with your betta, they'll live together peacefully.

Can you put another fish with a male and female beta?

no because the male and femalebetas are the type of fish that live alone. therefor since their opposite sex then there is a chance of them being OK with each other, so if there is another fish with them then they will attack it and eventually killing each other.