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Glofish actually need 20 gallons despite what stores are marketing now - they need to live in a shoal of at least 6. It would be best if you could get a bigger tank.

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Q: Can you put 2 or 3 more glofish NOT GOLDfish BUT GLOfish into a 5 gallon tank i already have 4 in there but the tank is just so empty what can i do?
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Would 5 glofish be a really bad idea for a 1.5 gallon tank?

Glofish actually need more space than people believe. If you are going to have 5, then you need a 20 gallon tank. Because they need to be in a group, you need at least 5 to 6, and they need space for swimming and growingPlease note that Glofish are quite different from Goldfish.

How many gallon tank is good for 3 glofish?

I wouldn't go less than 10 gallons. Glofish are active fish that need plenty of swimming room. A long, shallow tank is better for them than a standard tank.

Can a betta fish and a Glofish live together?

yes and no. glowfish are tropical and require a heater. golfdish are "coldwater" fish and do better in lower temps and do not need a heater. goldfish usually do well at around 66 to 68 i believe. and glowfish need at least 75 i guess you could put them together. also, remember that for fancy goldfish you need at least 10 gallons for one with no other fish. so hopefully you have a nice big tank what size tank do you have?

What other fish can glofish live with?

Glofish can live with other peaceful, community fish that are similar in size and water parameter requirements. Some suitable tankmates include tetras, danios, rasboras, and guppies. It's important to avoid aggressive or fin-nipping fish that may harass the glofish.

What freshwater fish lay eggs and fit into a new 10 gallon tank?

Danios or glofish would be a good fish to put in the tank. They are schooling fish which means you would need at least three and I wouldn't put more than 5 in a ten gallon tank.

Can you have a zebra danio 3 glofish 2 snails a moss ball and 4 x-ray tetras in a ten gallon tank?

Very,very,tightly,yes. I would definitely recommend getting a bigger tank though.

Do glofish get along with a blackskirt tetra?

Glofish are genetically altered Danios and they grow to about 1.5 inches long. They will mix well with most Tetras including the Blackskirt (Blackwidow) Tetras that grow to around 2.5 inches long. Just remember the golden rules. All tanks need a cycled filter and a weekly water change of around 50% and "1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water" so that you don't overstock.

Can 2 glofish live with an 1 long finned black skirt tetra in a 3 gallon tank?

No. The tank is far too small to hold more than the Glofish (genetically changed Danio malabaricus) ). A (nominal) 3 gallon tank when it has water to within an inch of the top and a couple of inches of gravel as a substrate will only be holding just over 2 gallons of water. (Glofish) Zebra Danios grow to around 1.5 inches so you will see that the 2 glowfish (Danios) add up to 3 inches by themselves. So they are too much for the tank. The Black skirt Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) grows to over 2 inches so it would need an absolute minimum of 3 gallons of water to live in and 10 gallons is the recommended size tank for them.

Can goldfish live together?

Yes. They are very social fish and prefer to live in groups rather than alone. If you're planning on getting a goldfish, please get at least two so that each one has a friend to swim around with!

Do you have to have one inch of fish for every gallon of water Because I have a 3 gallon tank and have 2 about 2 inch fish maybe a little less I am planning on getting another one is this okay?

No, you don't have to do it. I have four glofish in a 2-and-a-half galon, but I advise you not to do it. Six inches of fish in a three gallon is too much. I advise you to either not get a fish or to get another tank, unless you want one of your fish to die.

Can four goldfish live in a ten gallon tank?

depends, can a ten gallon tank live in a goldfish

Can you breed your goldfish in a ten gallon?

No. A 10 gallon tank is barely big enough to keep a single goldfish in.