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Q: Can you order savoritz cornbread crackers on line?
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There is an old box of Nabisco animal crackers - the expiration date code is 7271AP18 - what year were they manufactured?

7/27/11 the area and the 18 is the line

What did the union soldiers call the battle of Chattanooga?

The supply line set up to provide the minimum of rations for the survival of men and animals of the Union army besieged in Chattanooga in October 1863 was called the "Crackers Line"

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what is a line that shows a number in order using a scale is called what is it called

How do you order McDonalds online Australia?

go to macdonals, and tape a line on where you order. stand on the line and then order the food. there you go! odering online!

Is chronological order like a time line?

Yes, chronological order is like a time line in that the order follows a specific format. Chronological order begins with the first item while a time line begins with the item that occurred first.

What is the difference between the line and staff?

Line has authority to give order to subordinates. A staff can not give order. Staff can only suggest line. Hence line is responsible for the work of subordinates, but staff does not.

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A line has rotational symmetry of order 2.

How are a number line and a time line similar?

they are both in chronological order

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A line that shows numbers in order from least to greatest?

The number line

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Rearrange the word order of a line -apex