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It is not only the sweetening of sugar that is needed for baking, but the granular consistency. You CAN the make cookies, but they will no doubt not be as well formed as those made with granulated sugar.

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Q: Can you make oatmeal cookies using icing sugar?
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Can you substitute icing sugar with powdered sugar?

If u wanted to make icing then icing sugar is better to be used. But if only sugar is available then you must melt it down in a saucepan.. Search it on google for how to do it as I'm not completely sure. I Just use icing sugar

If you have 5 over 6 cup of oatmeal in your cupboard A recipe for cookies calls for 1 over 5 cup of oatmeal How much oatmeal would you have left if you made the cookies?

If you make the equations equal, it is 25/30 of oatmeal you have and the recipe calls for 6/30 of a cup. After using the amount of oatmel the recipe required for the cookies, you will have 19/30 of a cup left, or just under 2/3 a cup.

Can you substitute powdered sugar with granulated sugar in a frosting recipe?

i would not use granulated sugar while making buttercream icing. i would only use icing sugar. icing sugar usually has cornstarch mixed in with the powdered sugar. even if you added cornstarch to granulated sugar it would still give you a completely different texture than icing would feel very gritty.

Is there a way to make cake icing thinner?

Yes, you can make your own cake icing (also works for cupcakes). get a big bowl and you only need two ingredients, milk and sugar ( not the sugar you put in coffee or hot chocolate, you'll need powered sugar) then mix the milk and sugar in the bowl and you'll have icing. if the icing is too loose add a little more sugar. Then let it dry. NOTE: wash bowl right away after using it or the icing will dry. And if you dont like really sweet frosting dont make this :)

How do you make frosting without powdered sugar?

Well, today I made cupcakes, and a reliable source told me (since we didn't have icing sugar at the time) to take normal sugar and grind it in our coffee grinder, and then use it as icing sugar. At first, I thought it was crazy. Then I thought it was perfect! Then I didn't think it was so great. It was kinda hard to mix, and if you had leftover ground up coffee beans in there, the icing would end up with black specks in it. In the end I used the same icing with much help from a very good friend. It wasn't as good as icing with icing sugar, but it was icing. My friend said it was too sweet for her, and I kind of agreed with her, since the sugar is actually sugar. ---- Warning: * Be aware that after you apply the icing to your baked goods or food item, the icing hardens easily, but when poked the icing cracks. * The icing may be too sweet for your liking * It can easily harden * It's kind of hard to apply Tips: # When you use the sugar, it is the same as using icing sugar, use water or margarine for the icing. # If the icing gets too hard, mix it up a bit and add some water. # If the icing gets to liquidy, add a bit more ground-up sugar. Hope that helps!YOU CAN MAKE ICING SUGAR (CONFECTIONERS SUGAR) FROM GRANULATED OR CASTOR SUGAR. Put granulated sugar in a blender and blend until it forms icing sugar. Icing sugar is just a much finer form of granulated sugar. Also, icing sugar is more expensive than granulated sugar so this is a way to save money too.In regard to the former (original) answer, some coffee grinders are a form of blender, just smaller. In fact, you can grind coffee beans in a blender. You can also grind peanuts in a blender to make peanut butter.

Can you make sugar cookies without lemon extract?

You can but your finished recipe will taste of lemon not vanilla.

How do you eat molasses?

You can spread it on bread, use it is drinks in place of sugar, and make cookies and candy using it.

Can you make chocolate chip cookies using only brown sugar?

Of course you can. If you are conscious about you health, you can even substitute sugar with some honey. It will be delicious. If you reduce the sugar amount in cupcakes and if you still want it to be sweet, then you can drizzle a little bit of condensed milk on top and sprinkle some Icing sugar.

How to make Mothers frosting for animal cookies?

This is the type of frosting that Mother's used to make for their Animal Cookies.....don't know if it's exactly the same but for sure a close match Royal Icing 2 egg whites 1 tablespoon lemon juice 3 cups powdered sugar Food coloring in desired colors 1. Using a mixer with the whisk attachment, combine all the ingredients and whisk for several minutes on high speed until the mixture is thick and shiny opaque white. It should have the consistency of glue. If it is too thin, add more powdered sugar by teaspoonfuls as needed. If it is too thick, add water by teaspoonfuls as needed. 2. Divide icing into bowls for coloring. Keep the bowls covered or the icing will dry and harden. Add food color to icing to achieve desired hues.

What's a replacement for gingerbread men?

well i am not sure if this will awnser your question but, i find that using sugar cookies is a good substitue cookie mixture for making gingerbread men, but if you are planning to make lets say, a "ginger bread" house i would roll out dough sheets about a quarter of an inch think and then assemble later with icing.

What's In A Cookie?

Who doesn't love Halloween cookies? Cookies are great for any holiday, and they can be used at any occasion. Whether you make them yourself or buy them already made, Halloween cookies are a ghoulish treat! With all the school parties and trick- or -treater's, the best thing to make is cookies. They are easy to just pop in the oven and then stick them in a Ziploc bag. If you are making cookies yourself, gather all of the ingredients that you need before you make them. You will need flour and sugar and other items, depending on the recipe you use. If baking isn't your thing, get the frozen cookies that come in Halloween shapes. All you do is break them apart and put them on a pan in the oven. After the cookies are cooled, put them in Ziploc bags with Halloween decorations on them for your child's class at school or the kids coming to your home. You can also get sugar cookie dough and cookie cutters and make cookies with those. Parties are not complete unless they have cookies. Buying for a large party is easy because stores will make Halloween cookies for you. The packages have a variety of designs, and all you have to do is put them on a Halloween tray at home. Your guests can choose which cookie they want. Schools will probably only allow you to bring in cookies that are store bought, so these are very convenient. Do not open the cookies until you get to the child's classroom. Nothing is more fun than decorating Halloween cookies. Bake plain sugar cookies and have your children put sprinkles and icing on the cookies after they cool. Use orange and black icing on Halloween shaped cookies to get in a festive mood. Either keep the cookies for yourself, or deliver them to a neighbor to enjoy. Dispose of unused cookie dough if you do not plan on using it after the holiday.

Does using marzipan under fondant icing makes the cake too sweet and does fondant icong makes the cake sweet?

Marzipan under fondant icing makes the cake too sweet, because fondant icing makes the cake too sweet on their own. It is better to use a buttercream with less sugar.