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NO! they will fight and end up hurting each other. If it is a boy hamster and the other is a girl it might be ok but it will be safer to buy another cage.

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14y ago
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12y ago

Sure thing! It can easily adapt. However, if the cage has rust, the hammie might eat it and become sick.

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Can you put your 7 month old dwarf hamster with a new six week old dwarf hamster?

If they are both female yes. Keep all males alone in a cage.

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Im 4'11 am i drawf?

That depends your weight, how old you are and it could just be genes, cuz every1 matures at dirrerent rates.

When can you start training your new born baby hamster?

u can start training ur baby hamster wen they r about 7-9 weeks old

How old does your hamster have to be to be pregnant?

It can happen as early as 3 weeks old, but mating at 2 months is best for you and your hamster.

What kind of hamster should an eleven year old child get?

an 11 yr old should get a Syrian hamster

Your hamster is 1 year old?

Do not date your hamster, it is entirely too young.

Is a 2 year old hamster to old to move cage?

no because i have a 3 year old hamster named zoey and she moves really good

Could a Young hamster live with a one year old hamster?

It is not recommended to house a young hamster with a one year old hamster, as there may be intergenerational conflicts arising due to their age and size differences. It is better to keep them separate to prevent potential fights or harm.