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Yes, you can , but you need a handle of some kind to hold the can.

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Q: Can you heat the soup in the can over a fire?
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What 2 methods of heat transfer which are used to make soup?

Convection currents. This means that the soup that is heated moves away from the heat, and the cool soup flows over heat so that warms up

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Transferring heat from the soup to your breath. If you have a pot of hot water and then moc it with cold water, the two will heat exchange until the temperature through out the water is the same. It's the same principle.

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Yes, it should be safe to heat it over a fire in the opened can.

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through radiation

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Standing over a bonfire, you feel heat because heat is being transferred to your body by radiation. The fire emits infrared radiation that warms your skin and clothes, resulting in the sensation of heat. The closer you are to the fire, the more intense the heat will feel due to the increased radiation exposure.

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A spoon in a bowl of soup will help the soup cool down faster because the spoon acts as a conductor, transferring heat from the soup to the spoon and then into the surrounding air.

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Fire you idiot. They suspended the pots over a fire with a tripod like set of sticks with the pot attached to the sticks by a cord.

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Heat, smoke, fire...

Marshmallow cooked by fire what heat transfer does it use?

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