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Q: Can you grow fruit and veggies from their seeds?
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Related questions

Why are tomatoes a fruit and not a vegetable?

Because veggies don't have seeds in them but fruit do

What fruits and veggies grow in Ontario in the summer?

what fruit and veggies grow in ontario in the summer

How are veggies classified?

i think its if they have seeds in them like tomatos are a fruit cause they have seeds.

How does a fruit make a fruit?

A plant produces a fruit most commonly from a flower. After the bud/ flower dies, in its place is a small fruit that will be expanded and nourished until fully developed. A fruit is considered a fruit because it has seeds, which are distributed most commonly in nature by being consumed and disposed of by animals.

Is a watermelon a fruit are a vegetable?

Fruit- it is a fruit because it has seeds if you think tomatoes are veggies a cucumber and a pepper is a veggie they are a fruit

Are cherries fruits or veggies?

Fruits!! If they have seeds, they are fruit :) hope i helped!

Do flowers protect the seeds or fruit?

After pollination, fertilization takes place. then the ovaries grow into fruits and ovules grow into seeds. That Is All.

What is the example of grow?

veggies, grains, fish, fruit, salads, and cereals.

How you can grow orranges without seeds?

That is imposible you need seeds to grow plants even though oranges are fruit but you need seeds for them to grow

What is grow crops?

seeds of a fruit or vegetable grow crops

Are cucumbers fruits or vegtables?

fruit becase they have seeds and fruits have seeds

What is the examples of grow foods?

veggies, grains, fish, fruit, salads, and cereals.