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yes you can. it usually depends if you cant eat raw things then u can get an inffection and will ahve to be tranportated to the hospital.

You can get food poisoning from just about anything you eat if the pathogens are present in the food.



Most westerners have absolutely no idea about the meaning of Japanese words.

Sushi is the name for cakes of rice, topped with a wide variety of vegetables, dried seaweed, meats or fish.

The Japanese term for raw fish is not sushi- it is sashimi.

Nobody ever got food poisoning from eating rice cakes (sushi); genuine Japanese cooks are extremely careful about the preparation of sashimi, using only the very highest quality and freshest fish, so the risk of health problems resulting from eating it is minimal.

Sashimi made at home by westerners is more likely to be a problem, because westerners do not have anything like the same careful traditions in the kitchen

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Yes. You can get a foodborne illness from anything that is undercooked - but it isn't guaranteed that you will get sick.

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