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Acai is simply a type of berry. It can be purchased as a juice, nutrition supplement, etc. While it IS used in SOME tequilas for FLAVOR, the fruit/juice itself contains no alcohol. I'm sure, as with other fruits it could be altered to produce a type of wine, but the juices you purchase will not cause you to get drunk.

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Where can one find an acai berry drink in Toronto?

Acai berry drinks can be acquired from ones local supermarket, or acai berries can be manually squeezed in order to obtain the juices within and then drunk through a straw.

What is the difference between Acai Products? - this is a acai review website. Shows all reviews of the top Acai products

Where can you get acai berries products?

I tried some Acai Berry products. I got them online. Acai berries are good for health.

What is difference between acai burn and acai detox?

There isn't much difference, acai burn has green tea extract which will make it a little more effective. Acai detox is more of a cleanser.

Is kala jamun known as acai berry in India?

The acai berry is the fruit of the acai palm it can be eaten or made into a drink. Kala Jamun is an Indian cheese dessert and not the word for acai berry.

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Implementing The Acai Berry Diet Into Your Daily Life?

The Acai Berry Diet has quickly become the new trend in the diet world. Many dieters are consuming acai berry products in an effort to lose weight quickly. The acai berry products include acai berry juice, granola bars and acai berry weight loss supplements. Many are calling the acai berry a superfood because it contains powerful antioxidants. The Acai Berry Diet can help individuals suppress their hunger and live a healthy lifestyle. With the combination of healthy eating and exercise, the Acai Berry diet can be helpful.

Does extreme acai berry contain grapefruit?

I've never heard of "extreme acai berry" - so I have no idea, but grape fruit and acai berry are two totally different things. So I'd have to say no...though, I wouldn't doubt it if there's some product online called "Extreme Acai Berry" which contains Acai Berry and Grapefruit, for who knows what reason....just another filler (to give ya less of the Acai..). Our grocery stores already got "Pomegranate Acai" Juice. Makes me wonder what percent is actually Pom, and

Where is the Acai species native to?

The Acai species is native to the Amazon region of the South America.

What is the tagalog of acai berry?

The Tagalog term for acai berry is "asai berry."

Where can one purchase some Acai Extreme?

One can purchase Acai Extreme in some supplement/health stores, like GNC. Acai Extreme can also be purchased online at sites like Amazon and the Max Acai Extreme site.

What is the best acai product?

I would check out this Acai Review website. It has top 3 acai products and gives a review on each. Has all the reviews