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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Yes, you can reheat spinach.

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βˆ™ 4y ago

No it forms nitrates which can cause cancer!

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Q: Can you fry spinach
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Related questions

What is komatsuna?

Komatsuma is Japanese mustard spinach. It is eaten in stir-fry, in salads and soups, pickled, or boiled. It is a good source of calcium.

How do you cook fresh spinach?

There are many ways to cook spinach since it is so versatile. You can saute it in olive oil, garlic and a little crushed red pepper (or you can use whatever spice you prefer). You can also add either raw or cooked (like above) spinach to pizza as a topping. Plus, you can add spinach to quiches, frittatas and soups. One of my favorite ways to cook spinach is in a spinach and cheese cake. They are delicious! For the full recipe, check out my blog at

What is tagalog of spinach?

The Tagalog word for spinach is "espinaka" or "alugbati".

What is gross contamination?

You want to make a chicken stir fry. You'll cook the chicken first, so why not chop it first? You chop it, rinse off the knife, and chop your vegetables on the same cutting board. This gets chicken germs on the vegetables, and if you don't cook those thoroughly, you might get sick. Another instance of it is in agriculture; remember the e. coli in the spinach a couple years ago? That was caused by the waste from a cattle farm running into the spinach crops. What we have going on currently is salmonella on inherently safe vegetables; that could be another spinach situation, or it could have been a picker who did not wash his hands after going to the bathroom (or making a chicken stir fry).

Is a spinach fruit or vegetable?

Spinach a vegetable.vegetable

What is the odd one potato sugar spinach rice?


What is the passive voice for-Does Sandra eat spinach?

Is spinach eaten by Sandra? No, spinach is eaten by Popeye.

Does spinach have chloroplasts?

Spinach is a plant. So they do have chloroplasts

Is baghi a spinach?

bhaghi IS spinach

Is a spinach a shrub?

No, spinach is an herb.

How does the pigments compare of malabar spinach to regular spinach?

The pigments of Malabar spinach are purplish while those of regular spinach are entirely green.

Is spinach a herb plant?

no, spinach is a vegetable.