The experts at '' say that you can freeze egg custard. See The Pie Expert's Handy Dandy Guide to Freezing and Storing Pie on the link below.
I left a egg custard pie overnight. Is it safe?
You can find recipes of egg custard online at and and and and Alternatively, you can buy it from your local book shops.
Egg custard pie is a quiche.
only some such as lemon meringue pie and egg custard pie etc.
It needs to be baked to set.
If it is an egg custard, it should be refrigerated.
I have to freeze my Boston cream pie after company canceled. I asked my local bake store and the bakery boss said that the custard in the pie when unfrozen will make the cake parts of the pie moister than normal, but as long as that's okay, it looks like it will freeze/unfreeze well. Wish I could tell you more, but I will try freezing my Boston cream pie tonight.
Yes. Quiche can generally freeze pretty well.
Not typically, custard (I'm assuming you mean pie) is made with milk, egg and sugar, and pie crust is often made with flour, fat and water. No yeast is needed to make this.
custard has alot more egg the ice cream or ice milk soft served Custard has at least 1.4% egg yolk in it. Ice Cream needn't have egg yolks in it.
How long and what temp. do I cook a frozen egg custard pie?