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It is possible, but whether or not it should be done is another question. Some fish will eat them. Mine haven't shown any ill effects from eating some fruit fly larvae occasionally. However, some people are concerned about them polluting the water quality or passing along diseases to the fish.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Goldfish are "omnivorous" and will eat meat, cheese, vegies, worms, bread etc.etc. But use your brain and make sure that whatever you feed them is small enough for them to swallow. Also never ever leave any uneaten food in the water. It will rot and poison the water which will kill your fish.

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14y ago

Earthworms are one of the very best foods you can give your goldfish.

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13y ago

No Way! Never feed anything to the goldfish, only there proper feed! :) x

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12y ago

You can- but it's best to have the certain fish it's own food

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12y ago

yes! you can!

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Q: Can you feed goldfish food to other fish?
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What kinds of food is best for goldfish?

Most people feed goldfish fish flakes or pellets. This is fine, as they are filled with nutrients, but fish need variety in their diet like humans. You can feed them peas, lettuce, cucumber, and other vegetables.

How do wild goldfish get there food?

They are just carp and they feed like every other wild fish

Can you feed a clown fish goldfish food?

What kind of goldfish food? If it's fish flakes then definitely! I'm pretty sure you can feed any fish any fish food as long as it's not too big for the fish to actually eat or spiked with poison;)

What should i feed a goldfish if i don't have fish food?

If you don't have fish food, you can feed a goldfish boiled vegetables like peas or zucchini, or small amounts of cooked rice. Avoid feeding them bread or other processed foods as they may not provide the necessary nutrients for your goldfish's health. It's important to get proper fish food as soon as possible for a balanced diet.

Can you feed tropical fish food to regular goldfish or crayfish or to your alligator gar that you keep separately?

you can. it will probably not hurt the goldfish ot the others, but it is best when possible to feed fish food that is designed for their specific nutritional needs.

Can you feed goldfish food to any fish?

No, tropical fish live in a different region then goldfish and therefore need different food. Tropical fish live in the tropics (howls of amazement) and goldfish live in cold and temperate areas.

What does a goldfish eat but that is not fish food?

Goldfish are omnivores, and they can eat lots of vegetables (but don't try feeding them any fruits...I never tried....but wouldn't it be weird to feed goldfish a mango or a peach?). Fish food is all protein, usually, and eating only fish food usually helps constipation happen to your poor goldfish. Imagine humans eating only meat! So I always feed my goldfish pieces of lettuce and the insides of cooked frozen peas. They make my fish healthier. Though I have never tried, some goldfish owners feed their goldfish live food, like those tiny shrimps. It is healthier for your goldfish to eat a wide variety of good, not only fish food.

Is it safe to feed goldfish tropical fish food?

Different species of fish have different food requirements. Tropical Flakes are designed to feed a mix of tropical fish species. Goldfish food is a product that has been produced specifically to supply all the dietary needs of a goldfish. So yes goldfish can eat whatever you give them including Tropical fish food but it will not neccessarilly be doing the fish much good though.

Can spotted salamanders eat goldfish flake food?

Yes they can i feed mine gold fish food

What do baby goldfish eat in a tank?

the shop has baby fish food that's what you feed them

Can Mexican walking fish eat goldfish food?

No. Axolotls (Mexican walking fish) are carnivores and need a special diet. That is why specific foods are made and sold commercially for them. Goldfish on the other hand are omnivores and easier to feed.

When do you feed goldfish?

your fish need to be fed 2-3 times a day. if your fish doesn't eat every thing in five minutes the take rest food out with goldfish net. but i feed my goldfish 1-2 times a day and their food that i give them is SUPA goldfish flake food or i give them goldfish pallets.