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Yes, and the chicken will eat it. Chickens will eat almost any source of protein and that includes dead fish when available. They will gladly take that deceased goldfish and put it to better use than just flushing it down the toilet.

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15y ago
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15y ago

no, absolutly not, your chickens might get sick

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12y ago

Yes,most chickens eat dead rats and other small mammals and insects.But they don't usually eat big dead corpse of animals.

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Q: Can you feed chickens your dead pet fish?
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You just feed it DONE!

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You can bury your dead pet fish in your backyard or a pet cemetery, or you can wrap it in a paper towel and dispose of it in the trash. Make sure to handle the fish respectfully and consider any local regulations regarding pet disposal.

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no definitely not you have to buy it from a pet shop

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What should you feed goldfish?

You can feed them on fish flakes or fish pellets. Whichever is easier! If you want more information ask your local pet shop.

What can you feed a fish?

Fish eat fish food from your local pet store or you can also feed some of them pellets for fishing but they make your tank dirty faster! Hope it helped!