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definitely not! If you have any dairy product that wasn't refrigerated (even for about 4-8 hours), throw it away.

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yes! But it will be mushy afterwards!

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Q: Can you eat yogurt if not refrigerated for a few days?
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What happens if desmopressin is not refrigerated?

I had to call the pharmacist because we had lost ours for a few days. It can be kept not refrigerated for up to 3 weeks.

Can you eat yogurt after the use by date?

Yes. The date on yogurt is not an expiration date, is is a "best by" date. Yogurt will usually keep for a few weeks after this date. If it still looks and smells ok, then it is.

How long will farm fresh last if un refrigerated?

This will depend on the ingredient. If produce, it will last a few days.

Do lemon meringue pie need to be refrigerated?

No. Meringe does not have to be refrigerated. If it is, it gets hard and chewy. I suggest you leave it out in a room teperature area for a few days. After 2 or so days, you can put it in the refrigerator so it doesn't go bad. I hope this helped!

Should you eat yogurt after throwing up?

You should typically not eat yogurt after throwing up because it may further upset your should. Most people should allow their stomach to rest for a few hours before attempting to eat again.

If sealed ham says keep refrigerated but was placed in food baskets and not refrigerated for a few days?

Throw it OUT!! It may still be safe depending on the room's temperature but just to be safe THROW IT OUT! No food is worth sickness!

How long are cooked oysters good?

As long as your willing to eat them. This is a tough question to answer. If the oysters were on the verge of spoiling prior to cooking then that changes everything. It also depends on how they were cooked. Fried oysters will be fine refrigerated for a few days where as oyster stew will be good for just about a week. Seriously I wouldn't eat cooked oysters more than 3 or 4 days old.

Can heavy cream be substitured for sour cream in cheesecake recipes?

yes. Sour cream is made by adding live yogurt cultures to heavy cream and leaving it at room temp for a few days. You can either add some plain yogurt to your cream and leave it out for a few days, or you can add a touch of lemon juice to your recipe with the heavy cream. Personally, I substitute plain yogurt for the lower fat content, and it tastes the same.

How long does it take to mold to grow on yogurt?

A few hours to a few weeks, depending on the temperature at which the yogurt is stored.

How long before marinated beef will spoil?

Just a few days if kept in the frige. If left out at room temp then refrigerated it will be less than that. Keep raw meats cold at all times.

How long does chutney keep for?

We find that our chutney, once opened and refrigerated, lasts until it is finished! It must be all the sugar in it, but it has never gone bad...although we do tend to eat in within a few weeks of opening it.

Should a jelly roll b e refrigerated after fixing?

A jelly roll can be refrigerated after fixing. It is able to be kept for up to a few days. The result will be a less dry cut of the jelly roll, however the longer it is kept, the more soggy it will get in texture.