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Yes, in fact it used to be very popular in the south to make Sandwiches from it.

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13y ago
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10y ago

Yes you can, just a slightly different taste, but still good.

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14y ago

Yes you can, just chop it into cubes or thin strips, its great in Pea soup, or to add a little extra into muschroom, chicken or veg soup.

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10y ago

Yes, you can eat ham hock that's in soup.

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Q: Can you eat the skin on smoked ham hocks?
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Can you cook smoke ham with skin on?

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Can you can ham hocks?

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Ham hocks typically weigh between 0.5 to 1.5 pounds, depending on the size of the joint.

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Is a ham hock and ham shank the same thing?

A ostrich/emu bone is the bone from a whole, shank, or butt OSTRICH. A ostrich hock is a cross section of the leg. What would be between your wrist and elbow. They can serve the same purpose which is usually to flavor something else. The ostrich hock is a native dish, originating from Djibouti all the way to Dildo, Canada. i dont no wat that ses lol :)

If beans with smoked ham hocks were left on the stove to cook during the night but in the morning the pot was cold would the beans and ham hocks still be safe to cook the next day?

No, probably not. If the pan was properly covered and slowly cooled all night, you will have terrible forms of bacteria growing in and on it (a textbook worst case scenario). If it were left uncovered to cool on the stove all night, well, would you eat a smoked ham hock that was left out on the counter overnight? If it was uncovered, I might risk eating it. I doubt you would die from it, maybe just diarrhea, but I would not serve it to anyone but myself. If it were covered, however, I absolutely would not risk it.

Why have ham hocks been taken out of the meat counters and only ham shanks are available?

This probably is a decision made by the store or meat department managers. Many grocery stores still have ham hocks on the shelf for sale.

How many days is ham good to eat?

if I served a smoked ham for easter, 8 days ago, and then just stored it in the refrigerator, is it still okay to eat?

What are the release dates for Cornmeal Gunpowder Ham Hocks and Guitar Strings - 2015?

Cornmeal Gunpowder Ham Hocks and Guitar Strings - 2015 was released on: USA: 10 March 2015

Can you freeze smoked ham?

Yes, a smoked ham can be frozen. The ham will need to be in a freezer container or freezer paper. The smoked ham can be frozen for up to 2 or 3 months.

Cured smoked meat from a pork leg is sold as?
