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I don't believe I could eat maggot-infested meat - unless I were starving and food was at a premium. In that case, I would hope I could cook it. The meat would have to be putrid to some degree to have maggots growing in it. The microbe load would be incredible.

There is a Sardinian cheese, Casu Marzu, - a Pecorino cheese that has had a particular type of fly larva introduced into it. The larva promote fermentation and results in the breakdown of fats. The cheese becomes soft, even liquidy. When eaten, some people clear away the larva, but others do not. Aficionados of the cheese believe it to be unsafe if the larva have died.

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Most people would not touch that at all. They would not even have to ask. No. It should be tossed out.

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If there was absolutely no way for a maggot to get into the room, and no maggots or maggot eggs anywhere in the room or on your person, then there is no way for your body to become infested with maggots. Maggots are a living creature and they can't appear out of thin air, they have to come from somewhere.

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I dont care so go lick your greatgrandma maggot licker and go eat maggot eggs with her and go watch tv like a fatty and eat chips and dance with al capitino!

What is the meaning of maggot?

Larvae of a fly are called maggots. When a house pet gets a wound it can be infested with maggots if not treated in time. Flies get attracted to such open wounds and lay eggs in it which eventually produce maggots.

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It would be unsafe to eat any food that was infested with parasites.

What meat you eat?

i don't eat meat