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Well, probably but if they've been recalled and you've eaten one then you're in trouble. Some people eat dog biscuits. Also I've heard some say they taste good and some say they give you shiny hair and white teeth but if you really wanna know then go ahead and try it, I'm sure nothing bad will even happen.

It's true if you like biscuits then go ahead they'll do you no harm!

Some biscuits have ash in for digestive system but don't eat dog or cat meal because it comes from a different quality source if you do you run a higher risk of food poisoning which last a week or more in some people and death in others and some people never get it every persons different and you know how your body reacts to things from experience!!! lol

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12y ago a nutshell. Yes.

Digestive biscuits are made from Flour, Butter, Sugar...and isn't an egg thrown in somewhere? Never mind, as it is Digestive Biscuits, the plain ones at least have very little added to them. I wouldn't suggest that any of the ingredients should be supplied to your dog is vast quantities but the majority of them can be found in their food anyway.

Flour > look for wheat or Gluten

Butter > Fat, Milk, Oils

Sugar > Niacin for one, but there are others.

Dogs, LOVE eggs and to be honest you should be feeding your dog an egg a month or more. I commonly feed mine egg shells as it helps to improve the coat condition.

There is no ingredient in a plain digestive that is harmful to dogs any more so than humans. Feed them too many and they'll get fat...feed a human too many and... same thing.

The only problem is when adding Chocolate. Chocolate IS a poison. White chocolate being the safest version (due to the lower amount of cocoa) and dark being the more harmful version. As a rule never give chocolate to dogs in any form. Feed a human enough chocolate and they'll have the same problem. One solution is to only buy doggy chocs, safe for human consumption! (I know I personally tested them from the ages of 3-6 >=D)

Digestive Biscuits with chocolate = Do not feed. If you do, don't worry about it too much unless they eat a whole packet (i.e 200g of Milk Chocolate digestives) in which case consult the vet. That's for a labrador size dog. (Although I'm sure they'll be fine) *glares at own dog*.

I hope that answers your question.

An alternative to Digestive biscuits which are unhealthy are Carrots. It takes them a few showings to get used to the fact that a carrot is actually edible but they often like the crunch and it keeps them busy for..thirty seconds. Feed them as many carrots as you like, won't do any harm (i.e no weight gain, no poisons). (Won't be any benefit either, their feces will just turn orange >.>)

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15y ago

they should be 8 or 9 weeks old befor u can give them biscuits

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14y ago

No, It can get a couple everyday, but it cant just have biscuits for it's meal because it wont get all the nutrients it needs.

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Q: Can you eat dog biscuits
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my pet dog, administrator CTA, likes to eat dog biscuits. there you go, .

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You just can't beat a nice cup of tea and a few biscuits for elevenses. The dog loves a handful of dog biscuits mixed in with his dog meat. When I worked at the biscuit factory I ate so many biscuits that I never want to eat another one, nope, never ever again.

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well I feed my dog canned dog meat from a pet shop mixed with dog biscuits from a pet shop.

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yes snails can eat dog biscuits but you have to make shore they are soggy because if there to hard then it won't be able to digest them properly and may course bad stomach and death. owned 6 snails and fed then soggy dog biscuits i am age 12 now own 3 rest have been sold and one died of old age

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I have one myself & Mine eats My dog for small dogsDog food meat & little dog Biscuits.

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Depends how big the bag is