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I am not sure if they are editable or not but as of 1991 it is illegal in Indian to harvest or disturb freshwater mussels/clam. It is even illegal to pick up an empty shell.

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Q: Can you eat Indiana fresh water Clams?
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re: no because their are no fresh water clams domb asses There are plenty of fresh water clams, check your spelling before calling anyone dumb next time. and no, they wont eat the clams, they are bottom scavengers. but they will eat slow or sick fish, as well as destroy plants

Can clams eat pool algae?

Clams eat plankton, not algae. Algae grows in still water. Clams need the water to be moving so they can get nutrients.

Do clams eat shrimp?

clams filter microorganisms from the water. they don't hunt or "eat" anything.

Do clams live better in salt water or fresh water?

Clams, like most mollusks, also have open circulatory systems, which means that their organs are surrounded by watery blood that contains nutrients and oxygen. Clams eat plankton, and they themselves are eaten by small sharks and squid

Do clams eat or no?

Yes, clams do eat. They are filter feeders filtering water for microscopic animals and plants.

What do creek clams eat?

Creek clams eat small plants, algae and tiny animals. They filter the food from the water. Clams are a good addition in a fish tank as they can filter the tank's water.

What do freash water clams eat?


What do sea star's eat?

They eat clams and musels.

Do raccoons eat shrimp?

Raccoons are noted for searching along stream beds for clams and crayfish, etc. So, if one caught a fresh water shrimp, it would eat it.

Do turtles eat clams?

You should not feed them wild clams because they may harbor parasites or diseases which harm your turtle. Feed them fresh clams from the supermarket. Make sure to take the shell off...

How do clams catch their prey?

Clams eat using a filtering process. They draw in water and filter out the water so that only plankton is left.

What food does a clam eat?

Most clams filter the water for plankton.