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You can compost anything that was at any point a living thing.

All fruit, all vegetables, leaves, straw, paper products (careful with ink, a lot of it contains toxic heavy metals), wood, etc.

It is possible of course to compost animal products (meat, dairy, etc.), however they quickly create horrible smells and possible health risks unless done in a very controlled way which is generally not possible for the average gardener.

Check out a book, composting is really quite easy to master.

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10y ago

You can compost anything organic. I would avoid weeds as they will cause weeds where you use it.

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Yes you can - but I think they would taste pretty gross.

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Q: Can you compost strawberries
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What has the author Lolita Jardeleza written?

Lolita Jardeleza has written: 'Compost Makes the Strawberries Grow a Mothers Celebration' 'Compost makes the strawberries grow' -- subject(s): Christianity, Parent and child, Parenting, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Parent and child, Religious aspects of Parenting

What type of soil do strawberries need?

Strawberries thrive in well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter and slightly acidic, with a pH level between 5.5 and 6.5. Sandy loam or loamy soil types are ideal for growing strawberries as they allow for good root development and prevent waterlogged conditions. Adding compost or well-rotted manure can help improve soil quality for strawberries.

What is the difference between compost pile and compost pit?

A compost pile is compost in a pile or heap. a compost pit is compost in a pit or hole in the ground.

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What is the possessive form of strawberries?

The possessive form for the plural noun strawberries is strawberries'.Example: The strawberries' price is too high.

What kinds of compost are offered at Cedar Grove?

Cedar Grove offers several kinds of compost. They sell landscape mulch, organic compost, compost with manure and compost mixed with sand. One can order the compost online.

Which food do the people traditionally eat at Wimbledon?

It is famous for expensive strawberries and cream.

What is an antonym for compost?

No word is exactly opposite of "compost". Most object nouns have no opposite except for the combination of "not + (that object)". Not compost is opposite of compost.

What percent of new compost should be old compost?

There is no need to mix old and new compost. Old compost ,if ready, should be used on its own. New material will take time to rot down to compost.

Are punnet strawberries different to normal strawberries?

No a punnet is the container in which the strawberries are held.

How is compost form?

Compost is awesome Compost is formed by decayed vegetable matter. Potting compost is a mixture of various ingredients used for potting pot plants.