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yes you can but the flavours might get slightly mixed and therefore I would not recommend it

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Yes. If both dishes are baked at the same temperature.

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Q: Can you bake a roast and a cake in the same oven?
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How do you bake a cake in a samsung convection oven?

Lower the temp by 25 degrees and bake for the same length of time as usual.

Can 4 or 5 cakes be bake at the same time?

It depends on what type of cake and how high you set up the oven and how big your cake is and how big your oven is. But it is possible. Not impossible.

What oven temperature do you bake a double batch cake?

The same temperature as a single batch; it will take longer to cook. Make sure to keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn :)

What temperature would you bake an Angel Food cake in a convection oven?

You would use the same temperature that the recipe calls for. The amount of heat is the same in a convection oven as it is in a standard, it is just a different way of heating. Most angel food recipes call for about 325º F.

Why do cakes have cracked tops?

Pulling a cake out of the oven and finding a miniature scale-model of the Grand Canyon on top of it is always disappointing. Cracks can form in the top of a cake for many reasons:-> The oven was too hot, causing the top of the cake to cook first and creating a crust that cracked as the inside of the cake caught up with it and expanded. Try setting the oven to a slightly cooler temperature, and invest in an accurate oven thermometer. The thermostat on your oven (especially older ones) may be lying to you.-> The cake was baked on too low or high of a rack. This causes the same problems as the oven being too hot. Always bake cakes on the middle rack.-> You may be checking the cake too often. Remember that whenever you open the oven door, you drop the temperature drastically, and that can make it hard to bake the cake evenly, resulting in cracks. Use a flashlight if your oven doesn't have an interior light. Just keep your mitts off the oven door handle!-> Is the broiler on? I have seen this happen. It never turns out well.A cake top cracks if you sit an elephant on top of it.

How do you preheat the oven for an eggless chocolate cake?

You would preheat the oven for an eggless chocolate cake in the same way you would preheat the oven for any other type of cake: turn the oven on, set the thermostat to the required temperature, then wait for the oven to reach that temperature.

Can you bake a cake in a skillet in the oven?

Yes, just prepare the skillet (as long as it is oven safe) the same way you would prepare a baking pan. Fill the skillet to the same amount you would a cake pan making sure you don't overfill it so there won't be any spillage. As a matter of fact the original "pineapple upside down cake" was originally baked in a cast iron skillet. This is the traditional and authentic way to make that type of cake. Your cake may not be as thick as with more common baking pans, however, as long as the skillet is oven safe, there is no reason why you couldn't use it.

Should you bake a cake in convection oven?

Convection ovens are the best type for baking because they heat so evenly. Just be aware that they tend to shorten cooking time so test sooner for doneness.

Would brownies or cake bake faster?

depends on the cake type, size and ingredients. same thing with the brownies.

Will roast come out better in oven bag or slow cooker?

An oven bag is made to do the same thing a roasting pan does by retaining the juices in the roast. A slow cooker does the same thing in a slightly different way. Both ways work equally well.

In your electric oven you have two heating elements one on the top and one on the bottom which one should you use to bake a normal cake?

Depends on the type of oven. If it's fan assisted, then it shouldn't matter as the temperature will be same all over the oven. If not, then it's best to use the lower plate as it will be cooler. If in doubt. Check the temperature of the different levels of the oven and compare to the recipe.

If you bake a cake and chicken at the same time will the cake have a chicken taste?

No. It is quite common to bake several foods together in one oven, especially at holiday time when large meals are prepared. The foods will not take on the other's taste unless one food is extraordinarily pungent (much more so than chicken.)