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no. the reason is because they r not Saltwater Fish. they r tropical.

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Q: Can you add salt in a neon tetra tank?
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If I have a 60 liter tank and want Bristlenose Plec and Neon Tetra's how many of each should I have?

Neon Tetras: have at least a dozen Bristlenose Plec: 1 or 2 Since my book does not have the Bristlenose Plec (published in 1982 sadly) I had to look it up and found a very helpful forum you may enjoy. I will add it as a link.

Can you add common salt to dollar fish?

No, you need a special salt for a saltwater tank.

How much salt do you add to a fresh water tank to get a salt water tank?

the salt comes with a scoop and 1 per gal of water is what I do and it has worked great for me

Can you make a freshwater tanks into a saltwater tank?

yes just add salt!

Are freshwater angelfish a significant danger to neon tetras in the same tank?

Ha! Neon Tetras are expensive fish food. So yes, and quite the snack i must add

How do you add salt to a fishpond for treating fish diseases?

When adding salt to pond and/or aquarium you should always read your label to see how much of that particular salt you should add for your size pond/tank. Do not use table salt.

How often do you add salt to a 10 gallon tank with a baby flounder?

You are talking about salt water (marine) fish. Maybe you should ask on the "salt water" category.

Can you add salt to a red eared slider turtle tank?

no RES turtles are fresh water turtles

What is aquarium salt?

Aquarium salt is mixed with water before being added to a saltwater tank to create the correct environment for marine animals. The appropriate specific gravity(a method used to measure the salt concentration) is about 1.023-01.025. You can buy a meter at your local petsmart etc. The most common name in salt mixes for aquariums is Instant Ocean. You MUST mix salt correctly in order to run a saltwater tank. If you do not add salt to the water or do not add it in the correct amount, you will lose your tank's inhabitants.

How can I remove ice from a windshield washer tank?

You could drive the car to florida or add some salt to the tank, that will melt the ice, then add washer fluid that is temperature rated for your area, so it won't refeeze.

How do you make a neon project?

Add neon duct tape, use neon paints or neon markers.

Do platys need freshwater aquarium salt?

I would add maybe 2 teaspoonsfull of un-iodised/cooking salt to a 10gal tank. I would not waste my money buying aquarium salt for a freshwater set up. Not particularly