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wine has alcohol. it can cause alcoholismjust as beer and liquor can cause Alcoholism. If you look at it from a genetic aspect, then technically wine cannot make someone more prone to alcoholism, but if you are genetically predisposed to alcoholism then yes, wine could trigger the alcoholism just as beer and liquor could.

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Q: Can wine cause alcoholism
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Can alcohol cause Alcoholism?

wine has alcohol. it can cause alcoholismjust as beer and liquor can cause Alcoholism. If you look at it from a genetic aspect, then technically wine cannot make someone more prone to alcoholism, but if you are genetically predisposed to alcoholism then yes, wine could trigger the alcoholism just as beer and liquor could.

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The environment cannot CAUSE alcoholism.

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That is not a symptom of alcoholism.

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There is no gene known to cause alcoholism.

Does stress cause Alcoholism?

It doesn't.

What are the causes and effects of alcoholism?

There is great disagreement as to the causes if alcoholism but not as to the effects of alcoholism. It can cause numerous health, legal, economic, personal and family problems.

Can alcoholism cause a hole in the colon?

No, it can't.

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Alcoholism doesn't cause the rage but is often used as an excuse for expressing rage.

Is alcoholism an acute illness?

There is considerable debate as to whether or not alcoholism itself is a disease, although it is clear that it can sometimes cause diseases.

Does alcoholism cause impedance?

Yes, it's possible but not common.

High stress or tension can cause alcoholism?

Alcoholism is caused by drinking too much alcohol for too long a period. There is a genetic component that causes some people to become addicted sooner than others. Many people use stress and tension as an excuse to drink, but they do not cause alcoholism.