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My teddy bear hamster Cookie says: "You dare do it, and you will lose a finger"!!!

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15y ago
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15y ago

Well its a mammal, and mammals produce milk. I think you can actually drink it. It tastes like buttermilk.

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15y ago

No, you can not milk a girl hamster.

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Q: Can u milk a hamster
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After milking a hamster will it die?

You can't milk a hamster.

What milk is good for hamster?

fresh milk

Your hamster just had babies and you were told to give it raw hamburger and milk Is this true?

no u shouldn't gie otniqgfi;quas

How can you milk a hamster?

You cant!

Do you give milk to baby hamster?

No, don't give them cow's milk.

What is a hamster mothers diet?

Milk and bread. Later on: Greens, carrots, pellets, milk

Can a hamster produce milk?

All mammal females do.

How old does a hamster need to be to get away from its mom?

It all depends when it stops drainking milk and when they start eating and drianking by themselfs:if u have a runt of the litter and it gets beet up then show injuries to a vet fast........they are usally ready in bout 2 to 3 months then u can play with them(:..............GOOD LUCK WHEN U GET ONE ANSWERD BY: A HAMSTER MAMA

How do you make hamster milk?

3 parts water to 1 part hamster, blend until smooth.

Can you give your hamster earthworms to eat?

no u cant cause it will scare the hamster

Do hamsters produce milk?

It probably depends on what kind of hamster it is but my hamster can drink white milk sooo idk if ur hamster would be able to drink white milk because idk what kind of hamster you have... if i knew what kind of hamster you have then i would probably of had a better answer than this and i could tell you an exact answer if your hamster could drink white milk.... im sorry that i dont have a full exact answer but my hamster can drink white milk idk if your hamster can but i would try it just in case so you will know... (:

Can you milk a boy hamster?

no. it has a penis and no milk ducts attached to nipples like females... in any case a human would not milk a hamster. unless in a post-pocalyptic situation, although at that point, i'd cook the hamster and place on bread to make a ham-ster sandwich. i am a loving pet owner.