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That would depend on how warm the room temp is don't you think? Do you live in Alaska or Ecuador?

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14y ago
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9y ago

depends on fish i had 2 angelfish, 2 platys, 1 red tail shark and a pleco in 72 degree temp. also i now have a clown loach, zebra danio and black skirt tetra.

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Q: Can tropical fish live in 72 degree water?
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No. Tropical Fish required warmer water.

Can tropical fish live with Koi fish in the same aquarium?

No! because tropical fish live in heated water and koi in cold water.

Do all tropical fish live in fresh water?

Most tropical fish live in the ocean, but some do live in freshwater.

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How do tropical fish live in the ocean?

Those are salt-water tropical fish not the freshwater fish you see in pet-stores.

Why do clown fish live in cold water?

Clown fish are tropical marine species, they do not live in cold water.

What timpersure does thed water need to be for a fish to live in it?

tropical fish have to live around 75 degrees

Where do tropical fish live in what part of the ocean?

the part where water is

What type of tropical fish can you put in with goldfish?

None, goldfish are cold water fish, so having a tropical fish as a tank-mate just wouldn't work because tropical fish need to live in warm water.

Do tropical fish live in warm or cold water?

they live in warm water because tropical areas are warm

Can tropical fish live in cold water?

Whether or not a tropical fish can survive in cloudy water depends on why the water is cloudy. If there has been a spike in ammonia or nitrates, it can be deadly to fish. Tropical species tend to be more sensitive to severe water changes than freshwater fish.

Can tropical fish live with marine fish?

NO do not put tropical and marine fish together because marine fish have salt water that has to have specific things in it other Wise they will die .but tropical fish just have to have warm water with a heater .you cant mix these together because of the water and ALL your fish will DIE.