

Can sodium chloride bleach paper

Updated: 11/9/2022
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10y ago

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Not directly; sodium chlorate/sodium chlorite are used, derived from sodium chloride.

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Q: Can sodium chloride bleach paper
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Is sodium chloride bleach?

Sodium chloride is the scientific name for table salt. Common bleach is sodium hypochlorite.

Is chlorine bleach a chloride?

No it is a hypochlorite. Sodium Hypochlorite.

What color does sodium chloride give on litmus paper?

Sodium chloride solution is neutral.

What household product is produced by electrolysis of sodium chloride solution?

Sodium hypochlorite, NaClO, bleach

What is inside of Clorox?

Actually, Clorox is just the brand. Clorox is widely known for their bleach products, but they have a range of other products that do not contain bleach. It's like how we call tissue paper Kleenex even if it's of another brand. I presume that you're asking about [Clorox] bleach, then to answer your question, bleach is sodium hypochlorite, a broad-spectrum disinfectant and fabric whitening agent.

What is the chemical name for chloride found in bleach?

This compound is the sodium hypochlorite: NaClO.

Why does sodium chloride turn salt pool water yellow?

sodium chloride is salt, it may be causing a reaction with other chemicals in the pool such as hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite (Bleach)

Is it true or false if Clorox is a well- known bleach made from sodium chloride?

Bleach is not made from NaCl its is mostly composed of sodium hydoxide (NaOH) and sodium Hypochlorite also known Sodium Chlorate (i) (NaClO)

What colour does litmus paper turn in sodium chloride acid?

Litmus paper turns red in the presence of an acid, such as hydrochloric acid produced when sodium chloride (table salt) dissociates in water.

What is the chemical equation of the reaction of litmus paper to sodium chloride?

Litmus paper is a mixture of dyes that change color depending on the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. When exposed to sodium chloride, which is a neutral salt, litmus paper does not undergo a chemical reaction. It remains unchanged in the presence of sodium chloride.

How is chloride used in everyday life?

Chloride is the ion, Cl-. There is chloride in sodium chloride, which is salt. In addition, bleach contains chlorine. The water in a pool also has chlorine.

What household products contain chloride?

Common household products that contain chloride include table salt (sodium chloride), bleach (sodium hypochlorite), and some cleaners and disinfectants. Additionally, certain water softeners and swimming pool chemicals may also contain chloride compounds.