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yes you can use self raising flour but before you bake it you should make holes on it with a fork

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Q: Can short bread be made out of self raising flour?
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Related questions

What is short bread made of?

Short bread is a sweet biscuit (U.S., cookie) made of flour, sugar, butter and salt.

Is sour dough bread refined?

It is not the bread that is refined but the flour that the bread is made with - thus a sourdough bread can be made with unrefined flour or refined flour.

What do you call breads made using a raising agent?

Bread made with a raising agent is called leavened bread or yeast bread.

Does flour contain yeast?

Actually, it does. It's just in very, very small amounts. There are various types of yeast in the air so some of it lands on the flour. Ages ago, it was the natural yeast in flour or in other bread ingredients that made bread rise. Now days we add the yeast to make the bread rise more predictably.

Can you replace bread flour with superfine flour to make bread?

Superfine flour should not be used in place of bread flour. Bread flour is made from "hard" wheat that has been bred to have the high gluten content that makes proper bread.

Why is bread made from whole meal or whole wheat flour better than bread made from white flour?

its healthier for you

How is self-raising flour made?

Henry pride Jones invented self raising flour

What is the best flour to use for baking a cake?

you need all-purpose flour to make a cake. - not bread flour- that is only for bread!

Is self raising flour the same as rice flour?

Absolutely not!! Rice flour is flour made from ground rice. Self raising flour is wheat flour with leavening agents already mixed in. If your receipe calls for self raising flour, better go to the market and get the real deal.

Is bread once alive or never alive?

Bread? Um.. I guess it would be, since that wheat is made into flour, and flour is made into bread. And wheat is a plant.

What flour is made in bread?


Where does white bread came from?

White bread is made from refined flour.