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guinea pigs can only eat on the thrid week of the fourth month of their menstral cycle, and they're winning >:)

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Q: Can quinea pigs eat skins of pineapple?
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Can a guinea pig eat a pineapple?

Yes! I've seen many guineas eat pineapple but don't get that crappy kind in a can.

Do you take skin off pineapple for your guinea pigs?

usually guinea pigs will eat the meat and stop at the skin. same with watermelon

What do you do after you eat pineapple?

Does a Pineapple have citrus in it? Your friend, Brianna

What are edible pork skins?

There are pig skins that you can eat!

Why don't you have to wash a pineapple before you eat it?

Because you don't eat the outer skin of the pineapple.

What can pigs eat?

Pigs can eat a variety of foods, including vegetables, fruits, grains, and specially formulated commercial pig feed. It's important to provide a balanced diet to meet their nutritional needs. Avoid feeding them foods that are toxic to pigs, such as onions, garlic, and chocolate.

What can you do with orange skins?

eat it

Do pigs really eat pigs or is that just a myth?

Pigs are omnivores and will eat meat, including other pigs if given the opportunity. This behavior is more common in wild or feral pigs rather than domesticated pigs, especially if they are not being fed a balanced diet.

Can pigs eat birds?

No pigs don't eat birds. Pigs don't eat meat, but all sorts of vegetables and fruit.

Can chickens eat pigs?

i dont know if they eat pigs, but i do know that chickins should not eat guinea pigs! though as they are bad for them!

Can skinks eat banana skins?

Skinks can indeed eat banana skins. Though this is a possibility it is not very likely that a skink will eat a banana skin.

Do pigs eat soup?

pigs will eat any thing you give them