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Q: Can people eat wheat seed
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What type of birds eat wheat?

my parakeets eat wheat that's in their bird seed so parakeets do.

Does a wheat bear fruits?

No. Wheat is a type of grass, and the part that we eat is the seed head.

Is rice made from something that grew in soil?

Yes, rice is a plant. The rice that we eat is the seed of the rice plant, just as wheat is the seed of the wheat plant. Both rice and wheat are types of grass.

Do people eat wheat like it grows?

Wheat (the seed or kernal part of the plant) can be eaten in its natural, raw and unrefined form, but is usually ground into flour and made into other food substances such as bread or cereal.

Can everyone eat wheat?

No, some people are allergic to wheat.

What is wheat made of?

wheat is just made up of.......a seed just a seed called a wheat carnal ,here's a picture

Is wheat cereal a producer or a consumer?

Consumer! Because you don't get any pudding if you don't eat your wheat!

How many grains of flour are in one wheat seed?

There are no grains of flour in a wheat seed. Wheat must be milled (ground) to produce flour.

Is a wheat a seed?

no, monocot

How do you make wheat on droid alchemy?

Arable+seed=wheat Earth+tool=arable Life+sand=seed

Is wheat a seed plant?

Yes, wheat is a seed plant. Wheat produces seeds that are commonly used to make flour for various food products like bread, pasta, and pastries.

Who brought wheat seed and wheat farming to Kansas?
